I am definitely feeling stronger today. I really tried to push myself this morning to fatigue my muscles and heres what I did:
Chest Flies: 12(10) 10(15) 8(20) 8(25lbs!!!!) -[i couldnt believe it!]
Chest Press as burnouts: 24 ssslllllloooow at 65lbs
Shoulders: 12 (6) 10(8) 10(8) 8(8) [i still take it easy on shoulders ..]
Shoulder pull ups at burnouts: 24 (10)slllllow
Tris: Laying Extensions 12(10) 10(15) 8(20) 6(20)
Tri Burnouts: Over the head Extensions 24(15)
My arms are so tired.. and really do feel like I burned them out.
Before I lifted I did some shoulder rolls and stretching to get warmed up.. I wonder it that made a difference..usually dont do that. .. afterward my lifting a did a few minutes of aerobic punching and I think that burned them out even more.. sore tomorrow? Probably :)

I go at 1130 to get my hair cut.. I am now considering one of the shorter cuts.. I just cant decided.. I am ready for different and I want something easy for the summer.. humm...
Well I will post a picture the afternoon.. I know yall are just holding your breath dying to know what I will end up with huh? (hehe)
I will go now and work on my recipes page that I promised Josha :)
happy workout!
Well.. I did it.. I decided to go very short.. I Love it.. I think it will look even better once I get to the end of my 12 weeks :)
I wanted to post the picture of the salad I made for caregroup.. Its my Mexican salad recipe but layered in a dish instead of just on a plate. I obviously added more chips.. We didnt get to go to care group cause the boys stuffed up noses.. but Nelda said lots of people liked it.
Ok.. all for now.. I am off to do some schooling :)