OH MY BUNNY TAIL is going to be sooooo sore tomorrow! I really had a great workout this morning.. tried hard to push myself ..
Lunges (yikes) with weight
side leg raises in between lunges ( on each leg)
Squats two sets of 12
Leg extensions 3 sets of 15
Leg curls 1 set of 15 (I was BEAT)
can you say legs of jello?
---Back- Bent over flies .. burnouts lat pull downs 24
Bis- curls with arms extended outward at an angle.. burnouts
Arnold curls 24.

Tired! but feeling good!

I am looking forward to a day of good eats. I missed my salad yesterday..so thats on my list!

Here an article to keep me motivated to stay off SODA!
"The worst kind of sugar, in my opinion, is high fructose corn syrup, which is now the most common sugar added to processed foods. Over the past 30 years, the amount of corn syrup consumed in America has risen from one-half pound per person annually, to 62 pounds per person. Almost all of this is corn syrup that’s been added to processed foods. This increase accounts for almost 250 extra calories per person each day, which is enough to add approximately one pound of body fat every 12 days.
One of the worst things about corn syrup is that..."

and another site:

Amazingly, Americans (and people in other countries) actually drink a product that can rightfully be called Osteoporosis In a Can. And, it gets worse from there. Read on.

This poison goes by many brand names, such as Coca Cola and Pepsi. Generically, this poison is on the market in formulations known as soda, pop, and soft drinks. It includes all carbonated beverages--even carbonated plain water. The various substances in sodas compound the problem, especially the typical formulations with their carbonic acid or phosphoric acid.

thats all for now..more later :).. time to check math :)


Josha said…
hello, fellow tired bunny. yes, I am also feeling my tail.
Good job!
Sarah said…
Wow I'm tired reading your post :)

That's so cool you've been staying away from soda and hf corn syrup! Yay for you! It is so crazy how many people just eat packaged foods on a regular basis and they never stop to think what's in it and why...