Yes.. It was a doughnut that got me to run tonight.. infact.. it was a doughnut that was in Colorado! I couldnt see it.. I couldnt taste it.. I couldnt even smell it. But it motivated me to get on my gear.. get the dog and go running.
Last week was just the pits as far as my program is concerned. Try as I might.. Life kept getting in the way. Today.. alllll day .. I felt tired, lathargic and just plain depressed because I felt bad. I was feeling like I always use too.. and I didnt like it one bit. I was determined today to jump on the bandwagon and stay there. But .. again today.. life got in the way. I got busy.. and it got later and later.. just when I was fixin to get dressed to do cardio .. another "life" moment happened. I took care of that and pretty much decided it was just too late to go run. I mean.. it was 930! BUT.. I do as I always do.. I sat down to blog about it.. but first checked Joshas post.. and low and behold.. she had an AMAZING cardio day AND threw out some powdered doughnuts to keep herself on track! .. Imediately I was drawn back to my old self and thought.. well... there is just NO choice here.. I HAVE to do cardio.. if she can do it.. so can I..
at 945 I got dressed.. got the puppy.. and got in the car and drove to campus and ran TWO MILES in 21 mins!!! .. I was so happy to be out and as soon as my feet hit the pavement I felt like my "old.. new self" ..
so.. thanks Mr. Doughnut.. and Thanks Josha for showing him the way! .. In doing so you kick me in the rear and got me out the door!
More tomorrow after weights..
people are asking me for medicine around here so I better get going.. Dr. Ruth is in the house :)