Well.. 11 days left in this challenge.. hard to believe.
I am trying to get back focused on my calender and celebrating each day like I use too. I think most of my reason for getting back into this groove has to totally do with the weather. Spring has sprung here and I am so glad. I am a spring and summer gal.. for sure. The picture to the right is our next door neighbors house... and aunt and uncles home.. the redbuds and pear trees were just beautiful last week. It looks so funny to me now with the brown grass ... we have had some rain since and the grass is already starting to green up..might have to mow our yard in a few days :) yipee!!!
I completed my workout this morning after making DH some eggs.. I waited until after I lifted to eat.. Heres what I did
Chest: Flies with press as burnouts
Tris: Extensions with over head press as burnouts
Shoulders: Press 12.10.8. no burnouts (my right shoulder is still bothering me.. I am pretty sure its an old softball injury.. My mom and daddy both had rotator cuff surgery.. so I bet when I am in my 50s I will have to have surg. .. so I did lite weights and took it slow.)
Feels great to have my workout completed. I think my next goal to set for myself is some kind of Easter goal. ...
well thats all for now.. the house is calling me to give it some attention so I better get going..
happy workout! :)
11 Days????? Is that all? I started my journal this challenge about month into it, so I had lost track. Yippee for us!...11 Days...how to make the most of it.....?