Dont get a Jack Russell Terrier that is.
I decided I really wanted to get out of the house today and get some Mom time so I took the dog for what I had planned to be a walk.. well .. SuLin had other things in mind. I couldnt say no to such a sweet face looking up at me saying "COME ON MOM>. LETS RUNNNNNN!" .. so.. we did 2.5 miles.. walked a lot but ran some too.. and a great race against each other to the end. (she won!) .. it was fun.. I feel great..
I did a lot of stretching during my run.. trying not to get shin slints.. and when I got home I did abwork..
standing twists.. 1 set of 50 with 45lb bar on my shoulders
incline situps 3 sets of 20
feels good.
now I have to go clean the kitchen and get some work clothes washed for DH.

Don't get a horse.
My dog's a horse. Or at least she thinks she's one. I tried to take her on a "walk" this morning too. :) Hahaha. I ended up running almost the whole way 'cos she was pulling me along like a sleigh...she's so strong!