Trying to get back on track isnt easy. And the longer I live the Body for Life Lifestyle the more I realize that this is more of a mental battle than a physical one. While on the treadmill this morning I got to wondering if this is also a spiritual battle as well. Do you ever wonder if the evil one is sometimes behind the lack of motivation you have at times? I do. I think he would like nothing better than for us to take pity on ourselves and become fat, lazy, couch potatoes who gorge themselves on food that is less than ideal for our bodies and watching shows that are less than ideal for our spiritual and mental health.
So this morning when I woke up I didnt feel like working out. Yesterday I neglected my workout for the grocery store, library, and housework. Today I just woke up feeling out of shape and lethargic. Mentally I had NO desire to get on the treadmill... but the thought which I use to use all the time in the beginning stages of my challenge "Do I want to be fat and out of shape and feel bad? OR Do I want to be Lean, in shape and feel great.?" I ALWAYS answer this question with the last phrase. Which always gets me moving. Which .. in the end.. makes me feel so much better.
So .. after missing yesterday.. I got cardio done this morning.. although it was no marathon.. only 1.36 miles with my highest level at a 5.5 mph.. .. I got it done. Realizing that Fridays are usually my free days from working out.. I will just make yesterday my free day and do the three Bs tomorrow.. and will be back on track.
Josha.. I am so interested in seeing what you new read has to say about breaking the plateau. I have been the same since November.. and its getting a bit frustrating. I will also put on order the 801010 book from my library and see what it has to say as well.
Heres to trying to get back on track.