Today I received in the mail a copy of the 801010 diet book. I have read a lot of it but have not completely finished it.. I skipped parts that were saying why we shouldnt eat meat etc.. The reason I skipped it was to get to the bones of (excuse the pun) of how and why of the 801010.
I have read a lot of books on nutrition (not as much as sarah mind you) ranging from: The China Study, Fast Food Nation, What Makes Bread Rise, and lots of others I wont bore you to mention. I went vegan for a while but just bought what ever fruits and veggies I wanted and ate whatever of that I wanted. I paid no attention to calorie intake or protien, carb, fat ratios.. The last time I did go vegan I lost about 10lbs without even trying.. and after a few days of withdrawals from my lack of meat and processed foods I actually felt good. However I was not excersising or getting enough rest during this time and my life was pretty stressed.
All this to say.. I am taking the plunge again.
Many of you will probably think I have gone off the deep end.. but thats ok. I just thought I would share my plan with you all.. because if I am going to really do this and do it correctly I am going to need some support. (and that means i will be blogging about it :)
I plan to follow the weeks Menu for Spring that is in the 801010 book. It is all laid out and will make my shopping easy. I will still continue my exercise like the BFL program.
Why am I doing this?
1. Because I want to have my energy levels back like when i was a kid.
2. Because I want to get rid of my baby belly :)
3. Because I want to get lean so I can see muscle definition. (I want to see all those muscles I worked so hard to make)
4. Because I am tired of having tummy aches .. which I have been having when I have been eating red meat, chicken, and turkey.
5. Because I have always wondered how good of shape, how healthy I can actually be. Is it possible for me to get back into my going away outfit from my wedding.. when I was 21?? I think so.
6. Because I want to detox my body. (and I might add no telling how long that will take with all those years of coke, candies, and chips that I called a healthy diet)
So.. this is it.. Tomorrow I plan to go to HEB to buy organic fruits and veggies and will start my week 1 day one tomorrow after I get back from the store.
Now those of you who are Body for Life lovers.. dont get me wrong.. I LOVE the body for life lifestyle and eating the body for life way has gotten me in really great shape. I know that I could continue to live the body for life way with no problems.. by that I mean I dont think I would gain my weight back or loose my muscle, strength, endurence.. BUT I really want to take it to the next level.. and most of the reading I have done most body builders cycle through phases in their nutritional programs to get lean... that is that I am hoping for here.. I know that if this 1. doesnt work for me (which if it doesnt its my fault) 2. isnt the lifestyle for me then i will just switch back to BFL eating.. no problem..
My first goal is to get through the first week. Can I do this? YES.. will I? I hope so.
So .. heres to changes..
heres to trying to get in the best shape/health of my life.
tune in next time.. to see what happens.. in another adition of "as the blog turns!" :)