my cardio inspite of shins-pics

WEll. I just finished my cardio I did 4.1 miles on the recumbent bike with three Hiits! and then 10 mins of aerobics after that~ I did lots of knee ups and cross punches during my aerobics. i must say I loved it! One think that made it so great was some new music that DH bought from itunes. Its called 50 Techno Trance Anthems it really makes you move! The whole album is only 9.99!
I then went straight into abwork.. doing some Buff Mother dancing and alternating incline situps and reverse crunches. Today I even added a 10lb olympic weight on my chest durning a set of 20 inclines! .. think i will be sore tomorrow!

I couldn't resist taking a shot this morning to see if four days in CH4 has made a difference. I was so surprised as my muscle definition that is starting to show through esp in my legs and abs. (the picture doesnt show its as good as in real person ;) I need to figure out how to do lighting etc.. maybe I just need to go outside (I will just have to make sure none of our neighbors see me)

So I am off to get a meal, and get ready for the day. Library, cleaning house, schoolwork, and getting things ready for art camp.. :)

I hope your day is good.. happy cardio!

PS.. good news! my shins didnt hurt at all today! Nice to know I figured out another way to do cardio!


Josha said…
Oh, neighbors, shm-eighbors...Mine all think I'm crazy...bikini in the snow...
Anyway, I can def see a diff! Great workout!!
Sarah said…
Um, I thought I just left a comment but maybe I didn't?

Weird, I remember typing it out and everything.

Anyway, wanted to say that I can see a difference too and how cool, it's only been several days! You go girl! :)