What a great workout I had this morning.. I am telling you .. its a whole new animal when I workout first thing in the morning... its awesome!
I have decided to go back to with burnouts..
squats: with my set of 6 being 95lbs.
Leg extensions as burnouts three sets of 15
Leg curls: two sets of 15 (my legs were beat by now :)
Back: seated rows on Smith .. with the set of 6 being 60lbs
Biceps: Seated Curls with my set of six being 25lbs in each hand! woowhoo.. (the last two were tough) Then I did a different set of curl where my hands are rotated outward for my burnouts 2 sets of 12.
I felt sooo strong today. I know I have lifted higher amounts of weights before but I was thrilled that I can still lift a large amount after doing my lower weights with three sets of 15.. guess changing up is a good idea after all. :)
ON a side note.. I think I am going to make some kind of chart or spredsheet to fill in for my workouts so I can actually see how much I lifted and how far I ran to I can visually see my progress.. or lack of.. better.. I think i will fix it on a seperate page and have it linked in the side bar.
I also wanted to let you know that my art business seems to be picking up.. I am thrilled. I have several potential clients who I am waiting to hear back from on projects.. and yesterday a photographer asked me if I would paint some background murals for her. I tell you . .. it has always been my dream to make a living as an artist. Its what I LOVE. This past Saturday we went to the NCCIL and got to hear David Small and his wife Sarah Stewart speak. Everytime I walk into the NCCIL it makes me sad.. I see illustrations and almost everyone I look at in every show I know I could do just as well. I literally was almost crying standing there in that room this past weekend. Davids talk gave me courage and inspiration because he didnt start as a illustrator of Childrens books until he was 38 and didnt get published until he was 40. Its nice to know its not too late for me:) I will write more about our trip to the NCCIL and show pictures on my homeschool blog later today. ....Its nice to know that I might actually be good enough to make a living at something I love to do.
I will pray that your biz expands. I have NEVER had any doubt that you're good enough! You're amazing!