Dog Run Done

I got up this morning before DH left for work and ran with Su around campus. I took a bit of a short cut at one point to get home faster so he could get to work "on time" .. so I figured I went 2.25 miles. I ran more than I did last time and my shins arent as sore so thats good ... I did stop 4 times to stretch and will stretch some more in a few minutes. Can I tell you I lOVE my dog! I say to her in the mornings "you wanta go for a run??" and she hopes and jumps and prances around like a school girl.. eventually ending up at the front door whining. .. Nothing like a bit of enthusiasm to make you want to get out the door. :)

I did a bit of ab work but not too much since I did abs yesterday.. I figure just a little and then that will get me back on track like I am should to be.

ok.. while I was searching for another running skirt I found this site.. its so funny. it has a link to a guy who did a review on the running skirt even going so far as to run in a pink one with a matching top! He is married with kids.. so dont worry.. BUT what is neat is he did it for charity. The video on there is kinda cheezy but in a cute way. :) If the running skirt looks good on him it will look good on anyone!

Just got a call from my Mom they have an offer on their house and have counter offered so I might be going to the houston area in a few weeks to help pack and move.. but I will be determined to not miss a workout. :)

better go..
have to run to the store and get kids educated :)

