I woke up this morning feeling great even though I got up three times during the night. I made breakfast for the family and then jumped on the treadmill. I am STILL nursing shin splints so I decided to just walk on the mill today. I did 1.17 miles in 20 min. I then headed to the "gym" and I found my old jump rope and I jumped three sets counting to 15 as fast as I could go. I tried to make my feet land where my shins didnt hurt, but they started telling me to "stop that!" so I did.
My ab work was good today, I was encouraged this morning when I was getting dressed cause my upper abs are really starting to show through.. DH even said he could see them .. so it wasnt my imagination :) I did incline sit ups 4 sets of 25, hipups 3 sets of 15, and I tried to do some plan ole crunches after that but I could only muster 5 .. I was burned out!.. I then did some buff mother dancing to a Shakira Spanish song.. it was about 3 mins worth of work.
I weighed this morning cause I just felt a bit leaner. I was down to 139 .. so 2 lbs in a few days

I was very happy with my eats yesterday. I will be just as successful today! I had a moment last night at about midnight when I woke up hungry.. usually I would just grab a cracker or 10 :) or a piece of bread (or 2).. but last night.. I ate a pear and 5 wheat thins.. (the wheat thins have less carbs).. BUT my plan for today is to boil some eggs to have as a backup for situations like that. .. but once my bananas are ripe I think that will help too :)
Quotes for the Day.
Mark Twain
"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not. "
"When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied."
Thomas Alva Edison
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
Bodie Thoene
"What is right is often forgotten by what is convenient."