I had a great workout this morning. I was in there at 815 or so.. its nice to have the hard work done before the day gets hectic. Heres my log:
chest: Press 12(65) 10(75) 8(85) 6(95)
burnouts Flies 24 (15)
Shoulders: Press 12(8) 10(10) 8(15) 6(15)
burnouts Flies 24(8) (I am still taking it easy on shoulders .. I want to take it slow so I will stay injury free)
Tris: on smith machine 12(20) 10(30) 8(35) 6(35)
burnouts laying extensions: 24(15)
It is very encouraging to me that this morning while I was lifting I was able to see muscle def I hadnt seen since Nov. ! upper Chest, Neck, Shoulders all getting more defined. I was thinking this morning I should rename my blog.. "one womans journey to get ripped" will I chase this goal forever.. or just a few more weeks? .. hum.. we'll see I guess.
One thing I have to realize is that getting to see the muscle I worked so hard for is all about diet. I could have all this muscle and be super strong but with a layer of extra fat on top those muscles would never be visible. So.. heres to finally reaching the point after almost a year (the end of this challenge will be a year on bfl) that I am finally ready for the challenge of living a disciplined life as it pertains to food as well.
Josha.. is that a JUMP ROPE she is holding?
Ok.. gals.. heres some fun quotes for the day ..
Fifty years ago people finished a days work and needed rest. Today they need exercise.
I'm in shape - Round is a shape, isn't it?
I'm belly building - not body building!
The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle.
Whenever, I think about exercise, I lie down 'til the thought passes.
Physically Phfffft!
If it wasn't for my superior willpower, I might be exercising right now!
I took up jogging to hear heavy breathing again!
I have to exercise early in the morning before my brain figures out what I am doing.
There are four basic food groups, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and chocolate truffles.
Aerobics: a series of strenuous exercises which help convert fats, sugars, and starch into aches, pains and cramps.
The advantage of exercising every day is that you die healthier.
(I have already signed the back of my license and told my family.. "If and when I die.. please donate what you can to people who need transplants.. I have worked too hard on this body to get in shape just to have it thrown away!.. Please.. recycle me.) :)
Happy Wednesday!