This is my last update of the day. I made it though yet another day with NO bread and NO sodas, very little sugar! I was thinking tonight while watching lost.. This is probably the longest I have ever gone in my whole life without bread or crackers.. seriously! I am looking forward to free day .. i will have a bit of bread but sodas are off the list. I WILL make it 12 weeks without a soda!
In honor of being bread free for 3 days I found this funny information on bread.. that gave me a chuckle.
I am still concerned about my shin splints and I need to find an alternative cardio to do while they heal themselves. I think the long walking fast is not letting them heal.. so I have no idea what I will do tomorrow for cardio.. maybe push ups .. (?) ideas anyone(?)
- peanut butter shake with 4 wafers
- Mexican salad (yes again.. but this time with black beans)
- Boiled eggs with mustard (2)
- Apple and Peanut butter
- Taco Stew (no bread! no Chips! no Tortillas!)
- small apple with small amount of pb/two boiled eggs with sweet and sour mustard and dried chopped onion on top, 5 wheat thins.
Water and Raspberry tea where all the liquids I had today.. and I drank lots of water.. The thing about being hydrated is that it makes you go potty a LOT! :)

I also had one peppermint candy as I headed out the door this morning. Do those count as cheating? hope not.
So.. goodnight.. and happy cardio tomorrow!
The breadless wonder :)