Well Ladies.. I posted my Afters and Befores .. Check the side bar under "bfl journey" and scroll down.
I am not too happy with my after pictures.. I really had a hard time this challenge staying focused on my goals and staying motivated to workout and eat correclty. I think it all has to do with the weather and disliking the cold weather.. but that is really just an excuse. Basically my this challenge seemed to be a lot more of a mental one than I expected.
The good news is.. this is the first winter I have made it through in YEARS without gaining significant weight.. so I guess I should consider it a success. I can tell also that I have put on a lot of muscle esp in my upper back where there is the start of that "V" shape.
Things that will be different in Ch4:
At the End of Ch4 I will take a week off. I will access my fitness level and decide if and how to change my lifestyle. I will focus this challenge on a major increase in raw fruits and veggies and gradually get away from eating meats every day. I read most of the 801010 diet book that Sarah is doing and a lot of the info makes great since. I tried to go raw for a few days and I completely fell off the bandwagon.. it takes a huge amount of self control on my part to live that lifestyle and for me I feel I need to gradually transition into it for it to stick.
So.. heres to not giving up. Heres to making it through cold weather when all I wanted to do was curl up in a big blanket and read. Heres to only missing 12 workouts.. instead of 13 . or all of them for that matter.. and Heres to be more focused and making more progress in CHALLENGE FOUR!
More tomorrow
I am not too happy with my after pictures.. I really had a hard time this challenge staying focused on my goals and staying motivated to workout and eat correclty. I think it all has to do with the weather and disliking the cold weather.. but that is really just an excuse. Basically my this challenge seemed to be a lot more of a mental one than I expected.
The good news is.. this is the first winter I have made it through in YEARS without gaining significant weight.. so I guess I should consider it a success. I can tell also that I have put on a lot of muscle esp in my upper back where there is the start of that "V" shape.
Things that will be different in Ch4:
- I will workout in the mornings (instead of whenever in CH3)
- I will take bi-weekly measurements and photos.
- I will have the goal of drinking a gallon of water a day.
- I will drastically increase my raw fruits and veggies!
- I will drastically decrease my breads, tortillas and other bad carbs.
- I will no longer eat chips (which i did the last half of this challenge)
- I will no longer drink sodas (I am officially calling it quits for 12 weeks.. not even free days!)
- I will no longer eat butter. (maybe every two weeks on a free day)
- I will eat every 2.5 to 3 hours .. (setting a timer if I have to to remind myself)
- I will eat balanced meals.. portioned sized. (I tended to go over this challenge)
- I will take CLA, nutrition bars, and Thermo Dynamx.
- I will post everyday workouts and every single morsel I put in my mouth.
- I will calculate my calories on Nutridiary (I know bfl is designed to not have to count calories..but I think it will help me stay focused and see where I have messed up in my eating.. shoot. I got the workouts down.. its the food part I need to focus on now.. this is one thing I am sure will help me)
- I will buy a new piece of clothing every 30 days if I have made my goals.
At the End of Ch4 I will take a week off. I will access my fitness level and decide if and how to change my lifestyle. I will focus this challenge on a major increase in raw fruits and veggies and gradually get away from eating meats every day. I read most of the 801010 diet book that Sarah is doing and a lot of the info makes great since. I tried to go raw for a few days and I completely fell off the bandwagon.. it takes a huge amount of self control on my part to live that lifestyle and for me I feel I need to gradually transition into it for it to stick.
So.. heres to not giving up. Heres to making it through cold weather when all I wanted to do was curl up in a big blanket and read. Heres to only missing 12 workouts.. instead of 13 . or all of them for that matter.. and Heres to be more focused and making more progress in CHALLENGE FOUR!
More tomorrow
How did you choose thermo-dynamix? I read about it, but couldn't decide to try it. CLA, I was already familiar with, and it is just food, but I couldn't tell what was in the other. Do you know?
I agree with the fruits .. I might cut out all carbs after 6 starting at 9 or 10 weeks.
when I felt really really good during my first original challenge I ate NO butter, NO bread, LOTS of veggies and fruits, NO soda, NO tea, No caffeine. I felt great!
I think this challenge will prove to be a mental battle for bad foods for me.