Before and Afters--Ch 4 Plans

Well Ladies.. I posted my Afters and Befores .. Check the side bar under "bfl journey" and scroll down.

I am not too happy with my after pictures.. I really had a hard time this challenge staying focused on my goals and staying motivated to workout and eat correclty. I think it all has to do with the weather and disliking the cold weather.. but that is really just an excuse. Basically my this challenge seemed to be a lot more of a mental one than I expected.

The good news is.. this is the first winter I have made it through in YEARS without gaining significant weight.. so I guess I should consider it a success. I can tell also that I have put on a lot of muscle esp in my upper back where there is the start of that "V" shape.

Things that will be different in Ch4:

  • I will workout in the mornings (instead of whenever in CH3)
  • I will take bi-weekly measurements and photos.
  • I will have the goal of drinking a gallon of water a day.
  • I will drastically increase my raw fruits and veggies!

  • I will drastically decrease my breads, tortillas and other bad carbs.

  • I will no longer eat chips (which i did the last half of this challenge)

  • I will no longer drink sodas (I am officially calling it quits for 12 weeks.. not even free days!)

  • I will no longer eat butter. (maybe every two weeks on a free day)

  • I will eat every 2.5 to 3 hours .. (setting a timer if I have to to remind myself)

  • I will eat balanced meals.. portioned sized. (I tended to go over this challenge)

  • I will take CLA, nutrition bars, and Thermo Dynamx.

  • I will post everyday workouts and every single morsel I put in my mouth.

  • I will calculate my calories on Nutridiary (I know bfl is designed to not have to count calories..but I think it will help me stay focused and see where I have messed up in my eating.. shoot. I got the workouts down.. its the food part I need to focus on now.. this is one thing I am sure will help me)

  • I will buy a new piece of clothing every 30 days if I have made my goals.

At the End of Ch4 I will take a week off. I will access my fitness level and decide if and how to change my lifestyle. I will focus this challenge on a major increase in raw fruits and veggies and gradually get away from eating meats every day. I read most of the 801010 diet book that Sarah is doing and a lot of the info makes great since. I tried to go raw for a few days and I completely fell off the bandwagon.. it takes a huge amount of self control on my part to live that lifestyle and for me I feel I need to gradually transition into it for it to stick.

So.. heres to not giving up. Heres to making it through cold weather when all I wanted to do was curl up in a big blanket and read. Heres to only missing 12 workouts.. instead of 13 . or all of them for that matter.. and Heres to be more focused and making more progress in CHALLENGE FOUR!

More tomorrow


Sarah said…
Sounds like a great plan, Ruth! :) That's awesome that you didn't gain weight this winter. Winters are typically hard times for me also - both exercise and eats wise. I don't think it's just you!
Josha said…
Our plans look very similar...You asked me about my meals after 6:00...I do eat protein, but I choose carbs that are grains/starches, not even whole grains. Low on the glycemic index. Shawn Phillips doesn't eat carbs at all after 6:00. Not even fruit, but I think fruit is always healthy.
How did you choose thermo-dynamix? I read about it, but couldn't decide to try it. CLA, I was already familiar with, and it is just food, but I couldn't tell what was in the other. Do you know?
Ruthie said…
Funny you should ask about TDynamx.. I just finished talking with DH about it.. I decided to try it based on what other women who were champions used. But I couldnt find ingredients on the site so I will not use it for now. My plan is to try CLA for the first week and the second week add Hydroxy-cut back to my plan. At that point I will cut out all other caffeine .. use the Hydroxy for the rest of the challenge and then at the end step down off if it gradually with the goal of by August to be caffeine free forever!
I agree with the fruits .. I might cut out all carbs after 6 starting at 9 or 10 weeks.
when I felt really really good during my first original challenge I ate NO butter, NO bread, LOTS of veggies and fruits, NO soda, NO tea, No caffeine. I felt great!
I think this challenge will prove to be a mental battle for bad foods for me.