Well. I didnt get my upper body done yesterday. no excuse really. just didnt happen.
DH has been having to go to work early to open the building the last three days so our schedule is off a bit. I got up this morning at 6 and made him breakfast before he left and after he left i just crawled back in bed. I should have gotten on the treadmill then but I was so tired!
I plan on running this afternoon. So dont worry I wont miss another day. I will also do push ups (to make me feel better about missing yesterday) and ab work.
Eats were bad too yesterday. Two examples of what I ate are below.. def NOT on program! I also just got a call from my mom about Peter Pan Peanut butter causing a salmonella outbreak! I had TWO jars with the product code 2111!

Josha has asked.. and I am sure you are all wondering what i am doing as far as my nutrition side of my program. Well.. I was off sugar completely for 4 days. Which is a major record for me. BUT Sunday I had a soda with the idea that I would just have a free day on sugar too and then be back off of it on Monday. I had done pretty well adding just a tiny bit of sugar to my tea and NO sugar to anything else. But after yesterdays eats being sooo sweet and just not feeling well I am considering going cold turkey again. To be honest .. here are my issues:
1. Can I really see having a life with out sugar?
2. I want a meal plan I can live with for the rest of my life.. not just a few weeks or months.
3. I need to do more reading and research so I know what to buy and how to buy it without breaking our budget.
4. Could I just go without sugar and then just have a weekly or monthly free day?
NOW.. as far as going vegan.. I am still interested in it but think I just jumped the gun a bit. I, again, wasnt prepared grocery wise to eat correctly this way. I ran out of food or didnt have what I needed. So.. I would really like to give it another try but will have to wait until I am prepared so I 1. wont be tempted and 2. wont be running to the store every day. (which is what happened last week)
Things I loved about being off sugar:
1. My "issue" cleared right up. even when med didnt help
2. I had a constant energy level .. instead of ups and downs
3. I found fruits tasted sooooo good.
4. I found all the extra fruits I was eating helped my digestive track (if you know what I mean)
Sooo.. Heres my plan:
1. cut out sugar again. starting today .. right now. (which isnt a big deal cause it just means I wont add that teaspoon to my tea anymore)
2. Plan and organize a grocery list for me so I wont have to run to the store all the time. (I kinda got a feeling what sarah means about having so many bananas.. I bought a ton of them last week and with the kids me and dh eating them.. they were gone in a day!)
I will leave you with the longest post ever and will post again later this afternoon when I finish my wonderful run.
PS>. I want to hear your thoughts and ideas on all this.. so comment away ladies!
DH has been having to go to work early to open the building the last three days so our schedule is off a bit. I got up this morning at 6 and made him breakfast before he left and after he left i just crawled back in bed. I should have gotten on the treadmill then but I was so tired!
I plan on running this afternoon. So dont worry I wont miss another day. I will also do push ups (to make me feel better about missing yesterday) and ab work.
Eats were bad too yesterday. Two examples of what I ate are below.. def NOT on program! I also just got a call from my mom about Peter Pan Peanut butter causing a salmonella outbreak! I had TWO jars with the product code 2111!

Josha has asked.. and I am sure you are all wondering what i am doing as far as my nutrition side of my program. Well.. I was off sugar completely for 4 days. Which is a major record for me. BUT Sunday I had a soda with the idea that I would just have a free day on sugar too and then be back off of it on Monday. I had done pretty well adding just a tiny bit of sugar to my tea and NO sugar to anything else. But after yesterdays eats being sooo sweet and just not feeling well I am considering going cold turkey again. To be honest .. here are my issues:
1. Can I really see having a life with out sugar?
2. I want a meal plan I can live with for the rest of my life.. not just a few weeks or months.
3. I need to do more reading and research so I know what to buy and how to buy it without breaking our budget.
4. Could I just go without sugar and then just have a weekly or monthly free day?
NOW.. as far as going vegan.. I am still interested in it but think I just jumped the gun a bit. I, again, wasnt prepared grocery wise to eat correctly this way. I ran out of food or didnt have what I needed. So.. I would really like to give it another try but will have to wait until I am prepared so I 1. wont be tempted and 2. wont be running to the store every day. (which is what happened last week)
Things I loved about being off sugar:
1. My "issue" cleared right up. even when med didnt help
2. I had a constant energy level .. instead of ups and downs
3. I found fruits tasted sooooo good.
4. I found all the extra fruits I was eating helped my digestive track (if you know what I mean)
Sooo.. Heres my plan:
1. cut out sugar again. starting today .. right now. (which isnt a big deal cause it just means I wont add that teaspoon to my tea anymore)
2. Plan and organize a grocery list for me so I wont have to run to the store all the time. (I kinda got a feeling what sarah means about having so many bananas.. I bought a ton of them last week and with the kids me and dh eating them.. they were gone in a day!)
I will leave you with the longest post ever and will post again later this afternoon when I finish my wonderful run.
PS>. I want to hear your thoughts and ideas on all this.. so comment away ladies!
It seems like we swing from one end of the pendulum to the other and the only time we aren't exercising extremes is on our way, passing across the middle to the other extreme. I have nothing against the vegan diet, infact, I see it as the way people ate until after the flood when God presented the idea of eating meat. People lived a long time then, too! I don't believe that meat is unhealthy for us either...otherwise God wouldn't have presented it as food. At the same time, I see moderation in all things as key for us to live by. Instead of our extreme mentality...all this or all that, none of this, none of that... eating a balanced diet to nourish our bodies seems to make the most sense. It is so easy to get in the rut of making for ourselves "laws" that we can't possibly keep 100% of the time. And it is also easy to become self righteous in our way of thinking and try to apply our extremes to the lives of others. (I haven't seen that here, but I've done it myself in the past) I do think that keeping our sugar intake in check is of monumental value to keeping our bodies nourished properly and that too much has obvious consequences. I don't think you can ever OD on fresh fruits and vegetables; and lean cuts of meat supply your body with much needed protein. It is true that you can eat plenty of protein as a vegan, but I don't know many (any?) who do. Self-discipline is a good thing and it feels really good, but when we draw for ourselves lines with extreme boundaries, we set ourselves up for a yo-yo in the self-discipline arena...we cross our own lines, get frustrated, give up, question ourselves...draw more lines and continue the path. Moderation. That's what continually makes sense to me. It is also what takes the most discipline. I wrestle with it in all areas of my life, and have come to realize that I can't always win the struggle, but I can keep more on track by recognizing the battle for what it is.
I guess when it comes down to it I should be happy that I have made the changes in my life to be healthy. Instead of just giving up and saying I am this way because of this or that.. but to eat healthy, to make conscious decisions instead of just living my life haphazardly.
I agree when it comes down to it its all about self discipline..
Moderation is a word I keep coming back too.. also.. I think we live in a world of extremes.. our society is set up for extremes. So living a life of moderation is not as easy as it sounds sometimes.
When it comes down to it .. we all have to figure out what works for us, what we can live with. I have to figure out what kind of life works best for me. Although I know some other paths would work for me too.. its all about wether or not I can live with it for the long hall.
I want
1. to be healthy
2. to be a good example to my family and others
3. to have strength and energy to serve and be what I feel I was ment to be.
4. live my life without looking back and saying "i missed life"
I think I could do that on a variety of "eats" but I need to find what I can live with.
thanks for your comments..
MAN you are good.