10:27 PM. Monday NIGHT. like very NIGHT. .. LIKE DARK outside for the last 5 hours DARK NIGHT! ..
but .. I feel nothing but LIGHT! .
just finished workout..
heres the lowdown: PUSHUPS 3 sets of 15.. well almost.. 2 sets of 15 and ONE set of 14. I was literally screaming those last four out. .. felt good. ok.. so if I add all those up.. thats like.. what? .. like.. uh.. 44 pushups! only six shy of my 50 goal.. of course I do rest for one minute in between.. uhm. wonder if it would still count.
SHOULDER SIDE RAISES 3 sets of 15.. last 6 were tough but I made it.. OVER HEAD
EXTENSIONS 3 sets of 15.. the last set was tough too.. I think it was good. My arms feel like .. well.. its hard to "splain" (thats ruthie for explain)
--------- Taking a trip to the vegan lifestyle for a few days. YES .. its true.. for various reasons.. most being a bit of a health issue I have been having for a week or so.. PLUS tummy aches as of late.. PLUS not making any progress in my fat loss areas.. I have decided to take a bit of a plunge and go vegan until Friday. I am also determined to NOT take in any sugar .. period.. infact tonight I had my tea WITHOUT sugar! YEP. So.. dont worry.. I did this a quite a few months ago.. probably .. now that I think about it.. around this time last year. I did feel great then.. and I lost about 10 lbs in a like two weeks .. but I wasnt working out and I didnt have this much muscle .. so I am hoping it will boost my fat loss ..
I will re-evaluate my situation/feelings/energy level/etc. on Friday and make a plan from there.
so.. Its a Body for Life-Vegan Style for a while.. I will let you know. PS.. I am still going to have my shakes.. minus the coolwhip and cookies. (but I will have to be strong.. very strong)
AHH.. AS the BLOG TURNS! :) you never know with me huh.
(If you ever have any questions about going vegan.. I know just lady to email :)