Running through soreness

I started the week having sore legs.. I guess I will end the week being sore from head to toe! I was so stiff and tight this morning that I sure didnt think i would do very well on the treadmill .. but after I got warmed up and stretched a bit I started feeling great. I did 6 hiits.. the first being only a 8.9mph the middle ones were 10mph and the last.. well I decided to see if I could handle all the treadmill could dish out.. so.. 10mph at the highest incline (15%).. of course I only lasted 20 secs.. but that was longer than I expected! hehe..

After the cardio the kids and took the puppy for about a mile walk .. she really is gong to have be walked atleast twice a day for her to be happy.. so I will go again tonight.. about 8:30 and take her again.

OK.. thats all for now .
I have housework galore (its getting to be overwhelming again.. but what can i do but keep trying), then schoolwork.. etc..

hope my BFL sisters are still staying strong!

