The run-stairs-& Superchick

Just finished a walk-jog around campus with Cat and the Pup. We had a great time.. it was a bit chilly and I was a bit underdressed.. but once I was running I was fine.. I ran the Admin stairs in honor of Josha and Sarah! Went up and down 6 times.. running up and walking down.. then afterward I did a shadow dance to Superchick who where playing in my ear. Cat... who was at the top of the stairs with the pup thought is was funny and started doing the "walk like the egyptian" dance.. goodness she is so fun. :)

I must say for all the trouble the pup is .. she is a great runnig partner.. I cant wait until this summer.. I can see going twice a day when it warms up!

I think superchick is going to be my newest favorite. I LOVE the song.. "its on"! Esp.. this part:
And the view will never change
Unless you decide to change it
Don't feel like it today
Just show up anyway
And though life will take you down
It only matters if you let it
Get up, go through, press on
Today's your day

Good Stuff.
OK.. gotta go.. planning on upper tomorrow.. Havent shopped for eats today so I will do that tomorrow.. I am dertermined to eat correctly. I am ready for my energy to be back! :)

-today's your day



Josha said…
That sounds like so much fun! Our little running dog doesn't handle a leash well. I'd like to work on that, but there are too many strays and having a dog with me would just spell trouble, I'm afraid.... I need a BIG dog! I'm gonna check out SuperChick!
Josha said…
Hey...I want to hear more about what your goals are with the swithc to 3 sets of 15 reps and how heavy those 15 reps are??? For example...what level are you working at? Are they all at the same level or graduating levels??? Is this from a specific book or program?
Sarah said…
Did you have to put her on a leash or did she just run beside you?

I wish I lived somewhere near a college campus with a building with lots of steps I could run up and down on! Nothing here but my puny stairs at home. :( My dog sits in the middle of the stairs and tries to trip me. lol