Our internet will go down this afternoon and it will probably be a week without service! AHH! I will be at the Library friday so I will def. post then..
I am off now to complete my workout
chest 3 sets of 15
shoulders 3 sets of 15
tris. same :)
just consider it done .. if I dont complete it I will come back and modify this post :)
happy workout!
Chest: Push ups Mens.. 3 sets of 10
Shoulders: over the head press 3 sets of 15
Tris: Tri Extensions 3 sets of 15
Feels great to have it done!
--heres the photos :
I realized yesterday that I have pictures that are a year apart.. The black and whites are from my first attempt in jan of 06 to start and finish a challenge (I failed) the colored shots are from this week. What a difference a year makes!

I am off now to complete my workout
chest 3 sets of 15
shoulders 3 sets of 15
tris. same :)
just consider it done .. if I dont complete it I will come back and modify this post :)
happy workout!
Chest: Push ups Mens.. 3 sets of 10
Shoulders: over the head press 3 sets of 15
Tris: Tri Extensions 3 sets of 15
Feels great to have it done!
--heres the photos :
I realized yesterday that I have pictures that are a year apart.. The black and whites are from my first attempt in jan of 06 to start and finish a challenge (I failed) the colored shots are from this week. What a difference a year makes!

So did you guys go from dial-up to high speed internet, or were you already on high speed before?