#1 Motivator: PICTURES
Yes. Pictures are my NUMBER ONE motivator. More importantly.. the Motivation that comes when those pictures will be seen by others. Its positive pressure and it works for ME. I took off my pictures when I started this challenge.. I had decided that I was focusing too much on the past. I was focusing on where I had come from more than where I was going. Now that I havent looked at my pictures in a month (seriously) my motivation had left me. I think the reason for this is I could no longer see reality.. or the past. I need to see both to focus on the future. So .. with that said.. I have put my progress pictures back on the side bar and I will start taking progress pictures every two weeks. It might be embarasing, or even seem immodest to some.. but I have my DH blessings, AND I feel strongly that if it helps/motivates other women who view my blog to continue-start working out then its worth it.
#2 Motivator: Posting on Blog.
I use to come to the blog to motivate/get motivated.. lately I have come to the blog with a somewhat complaining mental attitude .. With the mental thinking of.. "oh i am so tired, or I just dont wanna today" instead of " I have to today cause other people are checking on me and I need to inspire and motivate if I can"
#3 Motivator: Conquering the Calendar.
I use to scratch off everyday that I worked out on my calender.. I have stopped doing that. So.. I will begain again.. with a goal of NOT missing a workout between now and Valentines Day (Anyone care to join me?)
So.. now that I have vented and hopefully worked out the kinks in my program.. I will leave you with my workout that I did tonight.. and of course a quote :)
remember to check on the side bar in a few minutes for my progress pictures (front and back)
Today's workout:
Squats on smith- 3 sets of 15 SLLLLLLOOOOOOW squats
Dead LIfts- 3 sets of 15.. slow
Bent over flies for back 3 sets of 15
and last but not least
hammer curls for bis 3 sets of 20
feels great!
My favorite Super Chick line:
"Don't feel like it today
Just show up anyway"
I feel the same way as you about picture motivation. Did you get the link I sent you? I'm not sharing it with EVERYBODY yet 'cos I'm not over it, but you - I felt would be sympathetic. :)
Thanks for blogging out your workouts, vents, and little motivational sayings - all of it is really starting to rub off on me big time! I love your "Progress - not perfection" tagline - it's so great.
You Go GIRL!