Finding what really motivates

I have really been struggling. I have been just trying to figure out why. So.. while I was lifting weights tonight I was thinking. What am I doing differently NOW that I did or didnt do when I was so motivated. Heres what I figured out:

#1 Motivator: PICTURES
Yes. Pictures are my NUMBER ONE motivator. More importantly.. the Motivation that comes when those pictures will be seen by others. Its positive pressure and it works for ME. I took off my pictures when I started this challenge.. I had decided that I was focusing too much on the past. I was focusing on where I had come from more than where I was going. Now that I havent looked at my pictures in a month (seriously) my motivation had left me. I think the reason for this is I could no longer see reality.. or the past. I need to see both to focus on the future. So .. with that said.. I have put my progress pictures back on the side bar and I will start taking progress pictures every two weeks. It might be embarasing, or even seem immodest to some.. but I have my DH blessings, AND I feel strongly that if it helps/motivates other women who view my blog to continue-start working out then its worth it.

#2 Motivator: Posting on Blog.
I use to come to the blog to motivate/get motivated.. lately I have come to the blog with a somewhat complaining mental attitude .. With the mental thinking of.. "oh i am so tired, or I just dont wanna today" instead of " I have to today cause other people are checking on me and I need to inspire and motivate if I can"

#3 Motivator: Conquering the Calendar.
I use to scratch off everyday that I worked out on my calender.. I have stopped doing that. So.. I will begain again.. with a goal of NOT missing a workout between now and Valentines Day (Anyone care to join me?)

So.. now that I have vented and hopefully worked out the kinks in my program.. I will leave you with my workout that I did tonight.. and of course a quote :)

remember to check on the side bar in a few minutes for my progress pictures (front and back)

Today's workout:
Squats on smith- 3 sets of 15 SLLLLLLOOOOOOW squats
Dead LIfts- 3 sets of 15.. slow
Bent over flies for back 3 sets of 15
and last but not least
hammer curls for bis 3 sets of 20

feels great!

My favorite Super Chick line:

"Don't feel like it today
Just show up anyway"


Sarah said…
I'll join you on the Valentine's Day goal!

I feel the same way as you about picture motivation. Did you get the link I sent you? I'm not sharing it with EVERYBODY yet 'cos I'm not over it, but you - I felt would be sympathetic. :)

Thanks for blogging out your workouts, vents, and little motivational sayings - all of it is really starting to rub off on me big time! I love your "Progress - not perfection" tagline - it's so great.

You Go GIRL!
Josha said…
Valentine's is good for me!! I'll be looking for you gals for motivation. That has been one of the things that has kept me going. Lately, I don't go check for motivation because I think that probably no one posted and I see no comments on my blog, so I think, no one is reading it anyway, so it really doesn't matter except to myself what is on there. So then, you all go check my blog and there is nothing much there, so you think the same things and there may or may not be a becomes a big catch 22. So, I hereby declare to check your blogs daily and to blog daily for you!