Merry Christmas

Well.. today was my families christmas.. everyone except my brother and his family came to my house.. it was fun. A day full of cooking.. (eating) and laughter.

I didnt workout yesterday and decided to post right now.. to keep me motivated to go workout. I will have mine done no later than 830.. even with company. :) I am really tired.. but I know I will feel so much better after I lift. .. just the way I work these days i guess.

I am REALLY looking forward to Challenge 1 of 2007. I miss my schedule. it will be nice to be back in a routine. --good news.. my size six are still zippable. my goal is to make it through the holidays without gaining a size (something I have not done in years!).. almost there!

OK.. enough for now.. going to lift.. I will add my workout to this post afterwards.

thanks for being here to motivate me to geterdone. :)

update: 831pm (not bad huh)
Chest: incline press and flies as burnouts
Shoulders: press and flies as burnouts
tris: press with over the head press (two hand) as burnouts

I really wanted to fatigue my muscles tonight.. so If my arms are too tired to type.. does that mean I did ok? ;)

.. I feel sooooo much better.. knowing that I didnt miss.. YIPEE!

I will be back on program eats with my shake meal tonight.. funny .. today was a free days.. and I had a headache and just felt sluggish allll day. I am a firm believer.. you are what you eat!

gotta go..



Josha said…
If I am what I eat, then after my free day, I must be very sweeeet! Went to the gym at 11:30, 30 minutes later than planned. DID NOT want to go. Feel great that I did it anyway!!! Good for you and me!!!