Ok. so I made it again to day.. I admit I DO have a problem. I an so addicted its not even funny. YUMMY! (please note.. as a reward for finishing my challenge #2 I have been letting my self go overboard on the cookies.. tonight was the last night for that.. .. as you will see from my pictures .. my cookies the last three days are going to my waist :)
-----------Here are the after pictures. --------------
I will post these on the ch2 progress on the side bar .. so I can compare and see if I made any progress.

Legs: Squats and extensions. curls and deadlifts for hammies
Back.. lat pulldowns.. flies and bent over rows
Bis.. hammer curls seated.. standing curls straight no twists. =)
Can you tell I did biceps? huh? ..

-----PLAN X_____
Here is my Christmas plan.. CODE NAME PLANX
I will get back on program EATS with no excuses.. I must remember I CAN NOT eat like everyone else in my family! Esp my 6ft5 husband!
I will post my Xeats everyday.
I AM going to cut back on my tea! (with that sugar i added)
I AM going to make cardio more intense.. start running on the tread even if it is 40 degrees in there (no excuses)
I WILL drink water water water.. before I drink tea!
I will do pushups on cardio days to try and increase my pushup number by xmas. (50 is the goal)
********PLANX WISH LIST:*********
I wish with all my might for my waist to be more cut.
I wish with all my might for my cardio to improve so I can run hiits again.
I wish with all my might to not miss a workout.
I wish with all my might to support and encourage my BFL sisters anyway I can.
I wish with all my might that by xmas I will be leaner, stronger, and more focused than today.
I wish with all my might to think possitive.
( I heard most xmas wishes do come true.. what do you think?) =) hehe
You look great and STRONG!!!! Congratulations on the end of TWO challenges!!!
I'll get Gracyn to take my bicep picture and post it and we can have a bicep-off. You'll define-ately win!