CH TWO DAY 84 Sundays workout

Yet another day when I exercised when I didnt feel like it. I really dont know what is wrong with me.. but I am tired of having to force those workouts. .. BUT .. I just keep telling myself that someday it will be easy to get it done again. Until then. I make myself keep going.

Todays workout wasnt the best.. but at-least I did it. I keep telling myself its more about the HABIT of exercise than anything else. I know that when I am 60 years old I probably wont be able to bench press 100lbs.. but I will, hopefully, have a habit of exercise. SO heres the details for those who are interested.

recumbent bike .. 20 mins.. 4 hiits.. most of the hitts were at a 17mph.. total miles done 3.7
abs: 100 crunches when knees coming up to elbows (are those called reverse crunches?) and 40 hip ups.

I am not expecting much progress in my photos tomorrow. If anything I am expecting a bit of a slide back. Its close to TOM and I have been craving and eating carbs like crazy! .. OH WELL.. progress not perfection. right?

CH 2 Day 84 has ended with not much celebration on my part.. I gues because I am not really happy with where I have ended up. I was hoping that by the end of this challenge I would be a bit smaller in my tummy. BUT I guess having three kids that were all either close to 9lbs or closer to 10lbs.. does take a toll on the tummy skin. .. Nothing can fix it I guess except a Dr with a knife.. and that will NOT happen! (my two c-sections were enough surgery for my lifetime!).. SO.. I will mentally get geared up for my christmas challenge and take some time to refocus on what my goals should be for Jans start date.


Christy said…
I know that you may not be happy with your goals, but from an outsider's perspective, you really look amazing. Strong, healthy, lean and vibrant. I think you should be very, very proud of all that you've accomplished in two challenges.

Your story about the mom that you saw at the pool...about how she looked so healthy and could be my story if I saw you at a pool. I would want a body like you!

So, just know that to some of us, you've accomplished SO much! Although I know it's different to you, it's hard for me to see that you have much left to work on as far as your body. You look, and I know you feel, SUPER GREAT!

I am VERY proud of you!

Josha said…
Hey, ditto Christy's comment for me and add this...
Something I learned (am learning) from Kaegan: You don't have to feel unhappy with what IS in order to move toward what you want, in fact, choosing to look at the present with unhappiness will slow you down. If you enjoy what you have right now, with the intent of moving forward to what you want, you can enjoy the entire journey without the unhappiness we let ourselves get into that stops us in our tracks. I know for me that when I was a size 3/4 and looked really good in a bikini, I didn't enjoy it...I just didn't look good enough, then when I had my first baby, I thought I was gigantic at a size 8/10...still not enjoying what I actually had. It went on and on. Even the other day, I saw myself on video tape and almost got unhappy. Then, I said, NO! I have worked hard to get right here where I am and I am moving toward even more...I am happy! Don't let unhappiness slow down your progress! You have come such a far distance! Remember the green bean cans? Now, you bench 100lbs? You are flying!
Ruthie said…
wow.. you gals are just great.. thanks for helping me reshape my thinking! It helps so much to get your perspective, wisdom and understanding.

I really do appreciate you both taking the time to comment and to encourage me. I am so blessed! thanks!

One of my goals for the christmas challenge is to RESHAPE my thinking. "positive self talk" .. Its gona be a challenge.