ok.. so here I am again.. Its 8pm and still no cardio workout. no good reason really.. Its been a busy day with dr appointments, selling Dhs car, cooking, cleaning.. you know all the reasons that get in the way. I decided a few minutes ago that it just wasnt worth the workout. I mean.. come on.. I wont finish until 10pm at this rate... .. well.. I am still debating.. wondering if I want this day to CHOSE to not workout.
check back soon to see what happens next on "AS the treadmill turns!" the contunuing saga of the Mom who wishes it were easier to workout :)

The sign says it all.. I have made the conscious decision NOT to workout today! How does it feel? Well.. first of all I am cold (spose to get to 21 here tonight) and second of all.. I am tired. Third.. I am soooo sore in my ribs and back from all those pushups yesterday I dont think I could run if I tried.. OK.. well.. maybe if DH was chasing me.. :).. But.. NO I am not disappointed in myself. I know I am not going to quit. I just missed. NO big deal. In fact.. I think it actually might be a good thing.. It actually is making me rethink and plan better. So.. all in all.. I MISSED.. yes I did.. but I am still getting in there and getting it done tomorrow. NO two days in a row from me! :)
Now.. the only question I have is this.. Do you think since I missed today I will wake up looking and feeling like this in the morning? HUM.

My eats today were ok. not to bad.. I drank more water today than I have been BUT I also had two cups of hot chocolate! .. I did resist a third cup of hot chocolate about an hour ago and had a marathon bar and a glass of water instead. (PnP).
So heres my plan:
I will life tomorrow as usual. Saturday I will run.. with the treadmill INSIDE (we will move inside tomorrow.. my bedroom to be exact.. now I will go to bed AND wake up seeing it.. so no hefty reminders needed in the future... I will run again on Sunday.
Even though I missed today.. I will still have six workouts in for the week.
Here is my sign for the WEEK: I think it is GREAT!

Heres to another day of Progress.. NOT perfection.
I usually don't post lots of list on my blog, but I am not opposed to posting them on yours :-)
Here is my list of how I feel about you!
So proud that you made it almost 6 months without missing a workout. So proud of your progress over your challenges.
So proud that you didn't drink the third cup of hot cocoa.
So proud that you won't let one day of not working out turn into five days.
So proud that you find the time and energy to give so much to everyone in your family.
So proud to call YOU family!
So proud to call you a best friend!
So proud to call you a sister in Christ!
So proud to call you mentor!
Love you!!!!