WATER and eats

Josha gets the water award! Seems like there is no stopping that lady! Water water water everywhere on her turkey post! Way to go Josha! "Water" inspiration you are! Thanks! (new goal for me .. drink more water!) Be like Josha!

Tukey Eats

Breakfast: Banana shake (after my workout)

TEA and crackers (my tummy was still bothering me ;(

Lunch: Left over speg. meat sauce with two pieces of bread dry with garlic salt TEA

Snack: Half a marathon bar and TEA

Supper: hamburger patty on one slice of bread with ketchup and .. you guess it! TEA!

Snack: (right now as I type) Banana Shake

WOW .. did I get six in today.. hum.. to bad one had ZERO protein. I see now I need to work on WATER! .. but the good news I have been completely off those pills for almost a week now! yipee!

Well.. My tummy hurt really really bad this afternoon.. after lunch.... I had one more "bout" but now I am still feeling good so hopefully I am done with that illness.. (i sure hope so.) ..

And can I say one more thing! ANGELL getting off coffee! you gotta be kidding! really! wow.. things they be a changing.! WOW!

More later!
gotta get bath and bed..


Josha said…
Aww! Thanks for the award! It's really cheating, though, because water here is yummier than there and it is my favorite drink, anyway! Well, just after coffee.

I'm glad you feel better!!