
Well its turkey day and I cant believe I actually got up and went for a run this morning! .. I had a great run but I felt like I would throw up before I was half way around.. WHY? you ask.. because DHs cousin went with me and ran HIITs with me.. .. he pushed me really hard.. and of course he kicked my bottom in a major way on the sprints.. but it was GREAT! .. I did 8 HIITs in all.. and the last 5 I really did feel like I would loose my lunch. (although I had not had lunch).. anyway.. he use to be a personal trainer and I asked him why I got nauseated .. he said it was the lactic acid breaking down in my body.. and that it was a good thing.. .. so.. heres a new goal... make myself nauseated every time I run =) (not)

I then came home and did abs:
80 incline situps with twists
10 reg incline situps
(welll.. nate came in with a rash.. out of benedryle.. going to the store.. back to finish later.. )
