Well.. I only got five meals in yesterday BUT I did wake up at 145am hungry so I ate a marathon bar and drank some water. This morning DH is off work and so I cooked bacon, eggs and toast for him and the boys and oatmeal for cat. I can not tell you how much I LOVE bacon. I think something has really changed in my way of thinking because I wasnt even tempted to take a bite! I did some things that made my morning a bit easier.. #1 is I got up and got dressed to run.. with ipod shoes and all.. #2 I drank some water as soon as I was dressed and before I started to cook. #3 I listened to my running music for a bit while I was cooking (this put my mind off of what I was doing at the moment and on what I was going to do.) I started working in the kitchen at 9 and didnt get on the treadmill until 10.. but I got it done.. here are the details:
running on the mill with 7 total HIITS. all the Hiits were at speed ten and all but the last were at 20 seconds.. the last one I went 40 seconds.. I KNOW someday I will be able to run a whole minute at a level 10... someday. (OH.. and the last one was for my just one more challenge)
My abs:
100 incline sit-ups with twists.. focusing on slow concentrated movements
20 reg. incline sit-ups
50 standing twists with the curl bar on my shoulders
50 hip-ups
Heres my meal plan for today:
Meal #1 shake (oreo)
Meal #2 leftovers chicken tortila with lite sourcream
Meal #3 marathon bar or peanut butter on toast
Meal #4 baked chicken with steamed veggies and sweet tato
Meal #5 banana puddin shake
Meal #6 marathon bar or shake (this will probably be in the middle of the night)
I think I need to try and see if I can eat every 2.5 hours instead of every three.. might be able to squeeze that other meal in sooner. ..
Check back soon for an extra post.. I am still bouncing around in my head... =)
Heres some quotes for today:
One of the most essential things you need to do for yourself is to choose a goal that is important to you. perfection does not exist - you can always do better and you can always grow.--Les Brown
The pursuit of perfection often impedes improvement.--George F. Will
Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life.--Dr. David M. Burns