Well.. had to put the run off until about 1230 but I got it done. I was feeling pretty good so I was able to do seven HIITS @ level 10.. the last one I really pushed and got about 40 secs at a level 10.
I then did AB work.. I did incline situps with twists and hip-ups..
I woke up this morning sore in my back and chest.. and finally figured out I did pushups as part of my burnouts yesterday. Pushups seem to really work areas I dont work when I lift..
As I was looking forward to challenge #3.. I was wondering if you gals would want to do a 25 Days of Christmas Challenge. ..
Here is what I was thinking.. I will finish this challenge on Dec 4th.. We could start a 25 day challenge on the 5th of December. We could even get specific .. in areas of eats, or fitness.. like.. "lowering carbs to get lean".. or "water only for 25 days" or "dont miss a workout" or "six meals a day" etc.. .. ANYWAY.. then on Jan 2nd we could all start a 12 week BFL Challenge together... What do you say? I am all for starting another Challenge at the same time just wondering when each of you will finish your current challenge... or if we should just wait until Jan 2nd. I do have some reservations about waiting 25 days before starting a "real" challenge again.. .. what do you gals think?
I interrupt this blog for a very important announcement! I am completely caught up on laundry! Every item is folded or hung up! My laundry room is now crispy clean and sparkling! YIPEE! I have conquered the DIRTY BEAST! .. Until next week anyway =)