well it seems I just cant get it together these days.. five or six days out of the last two weeks I have actually gotten dressed to workout .. down to my shoes.. and then decided I either didnt have time.. or that other things were more important.
This morning I was up at 730 .. dressed to workout.. but after getting the kids up and breakfast made.. then I was hungry.. I decided I needed a protein shake before my workout. (I was feeling weak) ..
I wanted to be finished with my workout by 9 today.. but now its almost ten.. SO. I changed into my regular clothes and will begin school with the kids in a few minutes. (they are doing their chores right now)..
DH is wanting me to follow him to the shop while he drives his car over there.. that is going to be around 11am.. I have my Mary Kay friend coming today at 1, then DH wanted to go look at new cell phones after work.. Sounds like school will be in spurts today (which is best for J.)..
I find myself a bit stressed about it all. I know my solution is to either get up earlier before everyone else.. or just be happy with working out at night (like at 7 or 8 this evening).. guess all that really matters is that I get it done huh?
ps.. I will post my meals tonight after my workout..