And nothing's gonna stop me, anyway
I'm holding on, I'm strong
I'm the only one who can make it change
I don't wanna cry
Gotta live my life
I'm gonna make it alright
I'm hanging on and nothing's gonna stop me, anyway"
What to do when the house is a disaster zone, the laundry is piled high, and its 34 degrees outside? Why get on the treadmill in the refrigerated garage of course!
After my workout last night in the cool garage.. I realized that all this fussing and worrying about it being cold in there when i work out is just a bunch of bunk. I HATE being cold. When I get cold.. I stay cold all day it seems like. So.. walking into a cold garage to lift weights was not an easy thing for me to do.. but i did it. Then this morning I read the thermometer outside and it said 34 degrees! My first thought was.. "OH grief its gona be cold in the garage." and my second thought "I will just wait until 3. thats the warmest part of the day".. SO.. after mulling it over in my mind.. and remembering how yesterday went when I was going to workout at 3 and didnt do it until 9pm!.. i decided i needed to face the cold again and just get it done.
Here are some things I learned:
*An extra two minutes of warm up was all i needed to feel warm.. thats it.. 2 mins!
*The Houston Rockets knit stocking hat keeps the head so warm that within 10 mins it had to come off cause I was .. of all things.. HOT!
*The workout gloves work great as running hand warmers.
*The cold, after 10 mins really just feels like air-conditioning!
heres the HIIT lowdown: did only 5 HIITS.. never reached a 10 but thats ok.. still nursing that hammie.
Abs workout: 10 sets of 15 incline twists which make 150 :) .. and 5 sets of 10 hip raises.
tired. hungry.
I also learned something about myself. That even after 136 days .. I still have to fight back the thoughts of doubt and feelings of "It doesnt really matter if I get exercise today".. 136 days.. I still, sometimes, have to force myself to workout. 136 day I still have to make a CONSCIOUS DECISION to get in there and get it done! I see this as a good thing, in a way. First.. I know I am not a robot .. so thats good. And Second, I realized that even if it I do have days of not wanting to complete my workout.. I know I will.. I have had practice at it. I have overcome that obsticle before.. and if you do things often enough.. even the hard things.. it gets a bit easier.
I need to add that yesterday was a day that I would have missed... if it wasnt for this blog and the gals that are here. I am so motivated by you, so encouraged, so inspired to keep going. Especially on my bad days.
I posted the lyics to the song that I have listend to 1000 times. My favorite line is "I'm the only one who can make it change"
I think of it as "I am the only one who can make A change;". I have to want to change.......... and I DO.
PS. I just weighed. Which I rarely do. I weight 129! I started at 158ish at ch1..to think I have lost almost 30lbs! I was surprised! yipee.. :)
