Well. I dont know why I REALLY dont feel like working out but I have a idea it might have something to do with the weather. Cloudy overcast day with freezing rain called for tonight. ITs just one of those days where I want to just sit and read to the kids, or work on my art alllll day.
BUT.. I have done it before and I guess I will do it again.. gona force the workout. Gona make myself just get in there and get it done.. afterall.. its only 45 mins.. right? and I will feel so much better afterwards.. right?
for some reason I think working out through the winter months is so much harder.. It is during this time that I usually quit. Its during this time of year that I loose focus and give up.. ...... I want this winter to be different. NO excuses. I want to atleast keep what I have worked so hard for.. I dont want that old body back...
so.. Here I go.. will post more on this after I am done.

squats with burnouts on leg extensions 24
hammies .. leg curls with burnouts as deadlifts 24.
Back: Lat pull downs with bent over rows as burnouts
bicep: Hammer curls seated.. with curl bar 12 and seated curls 12 as burnouts
I am off to work on art, cook supper and see if I can catch dr oz on oprah. :)
more later ..
Thanks ruthie!