Chest, Shoulders and Tris today.
heres what I did:
Chest: bench press on smith machine with flies on burn-outs
Shoulders: flies with shoulder press as burn-outs
Tris: Tri pull down on smith machine and tri extensions as burn-outs.

Meals yesterday were ok.. I had 5.... but waited too long and ended up really hungry for supper.. I ended up eating 4 small rolls! (oh they were good!).. I also didnt have any other carb.. just broc along with meat. I also drank some DP .. just about 16 oz.

today I am doing better..
so far peanut butter on toast with tea and water
protein shake (oreo) after my workout.

gotta go get to cleaning the house.. busy day.. also have to run to the store.. and the library..

more later..
