oh my! wonder woman has been working out! Anyone else a wonder woman fan when you were a kid?
This morning I slept a bit late and woke up feeling GREAT! I guess I needed a few hours of extra sleep. I will be working out this afternoon at 4. I found this album on itunes this morning, I do not watch the biggest loser..i dont even know when it comes on.. ANYWAY... I found three songs off of it I really liked .. thought you might want to check it out. If was as much of a wiz at this blogger thing I would find the videos from these and play them..Of course the lyrics are MUCH better with the music :) so go to itunes and check it out:)
heres a few lyrics from some I picked:
[Chorus] From Hanging on by Raine Maida
I'm hanging on today
And nothing's gonna stop me, anyway
I'm holding on, I'm strong
I'm the only one who can make it change
I don't wanna fight
Gotta live my life
I'm gonna make it right
I'm hanging on and nothing's gonna stop me, anyway
A little less conversation by Elvis JXL mix (this is the theme song to Vegas)
Come on baby I'm tired of talking
Grab your coat and let's start walking
Come on, come on
Come on, come on
Come on, come on
Don't procrastinate, don't articulate
Girl it's getting late, gettin' upset waitin' around
Rising from the Ashes by Quietdrive
I will now rise from the ashes
Don't call me pretentious
I'm sitting here making my own rules
And if I fall from the ceiling
You'll be down there waiting
And my only hope
Is falling down

I also burned Endurance from my GI Jane CD.. its an instrumental that is one of my favorites.
so..guess I should go for now.. we are off to staighten up the house and then library and skate and bowl :) i will post again after I workout :)