I got this picture from this site below http://www.handbag.com/galleries/gallery/gossip/celebrity_lives/healthfit_bodyicons/
it is has an interesting article about the changing shape of women in our movies etc.. decade by decade..
So when I declared war on my clutter this weekend.. i found this picture from the fourth of july.. this picture really really motivated me when I saw it.. so i thought it would be fun to do a before and after of just my face..

OH my goodness... Ok.. so do you see a difference?
and as a side note.. and not to be "picky" .. I had no idea my nostrils were so completely different sizes! whats going on there.
My eats have been good today.. I am past all my hormonal cravings.. and feel like I have lost 15lbs in 24 hours.. .. ..
while I was working out I watched Oprah.. any of you catch it? .. yet another reason to not go out to eat.. among other things.. anyway.. I guess I should be off to fix supper and get some laundry done..
Heres something fun.. can you guess who said each quote.. they were all said by different women, all Celebrities, all still alive, all beautiful. :) The first contestant to get it right will get a virtual post of the high calorie desert of your choosing. :)
1. You start out happy that you have no hips or boobs. All of a sudden you get them, and it feels sloppy. Then just when you start liking them, they start drooping.
2. For me, it might sound cliche, but beauty for me really does start on the inside. It's like a state of mind, a state of love if you will. Then, whatever you can do on the outside is all like a bonus.
3. I'd much rather be known as some curvy (insert name) than as some skinny stick.
2. Queen Latifah
3. Kate Winslet
They are all true! So, you are back to your go-gettin' self! hurray! Good for you getting through a tough time and jumping back in the swing! Not that you ever quit, but you know...you just weren't swingin'! Did your toes touch the sky? Did you get some good high points? I'm already sore from my workout, also legs.
yeah.. not going to be able to walk tomorrow.. but thats ok.. I am feeling much better.. I am NOT looking forward to taking pictures tomorrow.., but I guess I will anyway.. maybe I have made progress even though I dont feel like it..
so I will post a calorie rich yummy for you ...
sorry other ladies.. guess you will have to get the next one! Joshas two for two!