This was breakfast this morning.. doesnt it look good? The kids, obviously, are enjoying their shakes! and to quote Jo after he took his first bite "YUUUUUUUUUM>> its realllllly good!"

I decided to lift this morning. I remembered how rushed I was last Wednesday to get ready for church and I didnt want to do that again. So. Upper body is complete. The boys played outside in the driveway while I lifted and Cat did her book work the den where it was nice and quiet. The boys really enjoyed my new addition to the IPOD this morning. In honor of "Kate" I listened to "Dual of Fates" and "Imperial March" both from star-wars. What amazing music! Of course the boys kept saying "play it again mom!" so we listened to it about 8 times!

While listening to Dual of Fates, I got to thinking. ... We all have a dual going on when it comes to taking care of ourselves. To eat good or bad... To actually workout or not... To workout HARD, or take it easy.. To see the positive, instead of the negative. As for me.. I want the Hot mom to win this dual.. not the lazy, out of shape mom.... (as she types she visualized a out of shape mom in a bath robe light saber fighting a hot mom in one of those cat suits.. like cat-woman use to wear :) hehe

I also have made some decisions as to my workout program. I have decided that I need to start doing HIIT training. MY DH was reading this book "Ab Solution" By Shaun Phillips (who is Bills brother) .. anyway.. he talks in detail about HIIT training, saying it boosts the metabolism up to three hours after the workout.. so.. I am starting tomorrow to do HIIT. Also.. he trains abs after cardio. I will start that also. He trains three different sections of the abs each time. I have put a link here to his website which has info on how he does abs. The book is really good.. we have had it for a long time .. but its just been sitting on the shelf (Like for four years?) ..
Main Page:
Section on excersises:
Ok.. so thats it for me.. I guess its time I crank it up a notch and this Absolution book seems to be the thing..
Blessings.. and happy workout!
progress NOT perfection!