Well.. I got it done.. I guess if my arms are quivering that means I did good.. It is funny how once i get myself in there and start the time just flies by and I start feeling sooo much better.. kinda like I use to feel when I would wake up and drink a coke first thing in the morning :) guess i am addicted :)
here are the highpoints:
I did bench press with the "big bar" highest weight was 75lbs set of six
then back-lat pull downs on the smith machine,
shoulders I did to 20lbs in each hand on sets 8 and 6 .. someday I will make it to 25lbs but I dont want to push so hard that I sacrifice form.
I did laying extensions for triceps.. I was thrilled to go up to 25lbs in each hand on those.. (i couldnt believe it..tris use to be my weakest lift!)
then curls.. nothing fancy here..
interested on where I got the above cartoon.. heres the page I found it..
Hope the day is going well for you all!
heres quotes for today:
"We can do anything we want if we stick to it long enough."
"I am only one; but I am still one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do."
"I thank God for my handicaps, for, through them, I have found myself, my work, and my God."
"It is for us to pray not for tasks equal to our powers, but for powers equal to our tasks, to go forward with a great desire forever beating at the door of our hearts as we travel towards our distant goal."
Ok.. so heres a little quiz.. any guesses on who said all of the quotes above... I will give one hint.. Its a woman..
an ice cream photo posted in your honor to the first person who gets it correct!
Could I have a latte post instead???
You're doing great, girl! Once again you have given me hope! tris are my weakest too. I did lying extensions with 9 pounds this am! that's a bump up for me!
GREAT on your improvements.. its amazing how just staying consistant can make us improve so much! the body is amazing!
Can't you mail me a mocha....posting a picture....that just seems so unfullfilling. Will, I guess three day old Mocha through the mail isn't very fullfilling either.....the picture will be fine.
Did I win?