So here was todays workout:
Chest press on the smith machine 15,12,10,8,6 and burn-outs with flies 3 sets of 10
Shoulder flies (straight arm).. 15,12,10,8,6 and burnouts free weights 3 sets of 10
Triceps pulldowns on smith machine 15,12,10,8,6 and burnouts free weights 3 sets of 10
I started today to transition to Shaun Phillips Absolution workout.. its basically the same as BFL but broken down differently.. when I do legs next I will do squats, extensions ect.. but add back and bis.. I think this way I will be able to lift in a way to really fatigue the bis and tris..
Yesterday I forgot to post about abs.. I did those after I did my HIIT but only after Josha reminded me :) (thanks Josha:) .. anyway.. I did 120 incline twists and then 50 hip ups. I was beat when I was done.
Last night we had family over for the football game.. Pizza, cokes, cookies and carrot cake was on the menu.. but NOT for me! I made my meal at 6 and then had a banana puddin shake at 9! .. I was really happy I didnt give in to temptation I kept thinking.. "nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels!"..
I will start my free day this evening.. or I might just wait until tomorrow morning...
If i can do this you can to! Its all about consistency and determination (a few inspirational friends dont hurt any either!)
"The true measure of success is revealed only by looking at the obstacles that an individual had to overcome to achieve their goals."
-- Bill Phillips
PS.. I WILL being doing HIIT in the morning.. BEFORE my garage sale! (it starts at 7)