HIIT the field and track today with the kids!

(grab a shake.. this is a LONG post!)

This morning I decided to try something new. I decided to get the kids involved in my cardio workout. While the kidos got their shoes one etc I walked/jogged on the treadmill to warm up. We then got in the car and headed to the intramural field on campus. The kids took turns running across the football field while I warmed up a bit more and then started doing wind sprints (HIIT). Sometimes they would race me.. others they would just sit on the bleechers and watch. Then we had a relay race.. that was fun.. the whole time I did sprints.. I would run as fast as i could and then walk/jog back. I think i did seven or eight sprints. Then we headed across the parkinglot to the track. I ran one bleecher set while the kid started walking around the track. I then jogged around the track with the kids and we were done. :) .. All three seemed to have a great time.. and so I think this will be the way i do cardio for a while.

I came back home and did my ab work. I did 100 decline twists to work the upper abs and obliques, then I did 50 Hip raises to work the lower abs.. UHG.. those Hip raises were HARD! my lower abs are so weak .. its crazy.

While I am on the subject of the kids I find this is another reason for us Moms to take care of ourselves! Heres some interesting info:
So who's to blame? (for overweight children)

According to a new survey of parents by ACNielsen:

only 1% of parents blamed manufactures
7% blamed advertising on TV, etc
9% blamed the child
10% blamed fast food companies

And not surprisingly, two thirds of parents blamed themselves. Afterall, especially for younger kids, parents are the only ones that have control over all of these things. Parents can help their kids make healthy food choices, both at home and when eating fast food, can limit TV watching and time spent playing video games, and can encourage kids to be more active.
Of course it isn't easy, especially if the parents themselves are overweight, but teaching our children to make healthier choices is essential if we want them to be healthy and avoid the health consequences of being overweight."


Obesity Threatens to Cut U.S. Life Expectancy, New Analysis Suggests

Over the next few decades, life expectancy for the average American could decline by as much as 5 years unless aggressive efforts are made to slow rising rates of obesity, according to a team of scientists supported in part by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

The U.S. could be facing its first sustained drop in life expectancy in the modern era, the researchers say, but this decline is not inevitable if Americans — particularly younger ones — trim their waistlines or if other improvements outweigh the impact of obesity. The new report in the March 17, 2005 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine appears little more than a year after the DHHS unveiled a new national education campaign and research strategy to combat obesity and excessive weight...........

.“Forecasting life expectancy by extrapolating from the past is like forecasting the weather on the basis of its history,” Olshansky and his colleagues write. “Looking out the window, we see a threatening storm — obesity —that will, if unchecked, have a negative effect on life expectancy.”


on the shake front.. I have been adding flaxseed oil to my shakes. Any of you ever use flaxseed oil? Heres some reasons why:

The heart-healthy side of flax

Besides lignans, flaxseeds and their oil are also the best food sources of an essential fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid. "Essential" means we must consume it, because our bodies cannot manufacture it. Essential fatty acids are important for cell membranes, blood pressure regulation, and other functions. Alpha-linolenic acid is an omega-3, similar to some of the fatty acids in fish oil. Like aspirin, omega-3s may reduce blood clotting, thus lessening the chance of a fatal heart attack. Flaxseeds and their oil may also lower total blood cholesterol, as well as LDL ("bad") cholesterol. But that should come as no big surprise, since any highly unsaturated oil will do that, particularly if substituted for saturated fats. The fiber in flaxseeds may also help against cholesterol, since it is soluble (similar to that in oats).

Flax seed is one of the best sources for the essential fatty acid alpha linolenic acid. Alpha linolenic acid is so important for bodybuilders because it "enhances insulin sensitivity within muscle cells." (1) This omega-3 fatty acid also has many other beneficial effects:

"Stimulating steroid production Systemization of hormones Mediating immune response Directing endocrine hormones to target cells Regulating smooth muscle and autonomic reflexes Construction of healthy cell walls Transportation of oxygen to body cells Keeping saturated fats mobile in the blood stream Regulation of nerve transmission Serving as the primary energy source for the heart muscle" (2)

Those are just some of the beneficial effect of Omega-3. Omega-3's are sometimes defined as "anti-fats". This is due to their ability to speed up the metabolic process and aid in fat loss.

So What Does All of This Mean For Bodybuilders?

Reduced Body fat
Enhanced Performance
Shortened recovery time
Good source of energy
Reduced muscle soreness
Increased utilization of oxygen
Increased utilization of other nutrients
Overall better health

====good news.. yesterday was the first time I used flax seed oil in the shake and I seemed to be able to tell a huge difference in my energy level for the day. .. I think I have not been getting enough good fats in my diet.. this is a great way to get them!


so this post is dedicated to my kids.. Heres to getting out there WITH them moving those bodies a little.. Here to setting an example of what healthy means.. if not to feel better about ourselves but to help mold the lives of our children!

blessings to you and yours!

remember.. progress.. not perfection!


Josha said…
Every day, I have on my list of "to do's" to add flax oil to all of our diets. Every day, I still forget. I will do it TODAY!!!! Thanks for this great post!
Ruthie said…
I added to the shake and the kids even drank it and had NO idea it was in there.. they LOVEd it.. it feels good to know that they are getting into the habit of LOVING good nutrition. Jo said the other day.. I dont want ice cream.. i want a shake! (cool)..

cant wait to see your post.. hope bloggers working for you again!
Mom2t said…
I have 2 tbsp. of milled flax seeds on my oatbran cereal in the morning....it is an excellent source of fiber! Yeah for flaxseed!

Have fun exercising with the kids