I did 20 mins on the treadmill.. with only 5HIITs.. I have had tight/sore hammies ever since my workout on Friday. I have been stretching a lot.. but when I was running on the treadmill this morning .. my left hamstring just never loosened up. I was afraid I was going to pull it so I only did 5 hiits.. 1 @speed9.3---3@speed10---and 1@speed8.5... I was breathing hard when I was done so I guess it did ok. I stretched when I was done and during but my ham is still tight feeling.
Ab work:
I did 150 incline twists and 60 hipups! I was happy with both .. both are the best I have ever done. I hope my abs will be sore tomorrow. Maybe some day..My abs will look as good as this picture.. I doubt it though.. that doesnt look like a tummy that gave birth to a 10lb baby! (;)..
I woke up feeling lots better this morning. Despite waking up because of strange dreams last night and waking up hungry. I think I have finally gotten over the fast-food hangover. (thankgoodness)..
I cant believe I am on day 135 without missing! wow. I never thought I would be able to go this far! I am in week EIGHT!.. this coming Saturday I will only have four weeks left in my SECOND Challenge! time is going by so fast!
Still zoning in on my Eats.. I will post tomorrow what my plan it for sure. I think I need to post my eats everyday to help make myself accountable.. I might just add a section to the sidebar for that.
so... oh some good quotes for the day
"That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well. "
Abraham Lincoln
{this quote reminds me of all the other women i have seen in life or on the internet that are in great shape.. if they can do it we can too!}
"The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work."
Mark Twain
{this reminds me .. hard work is what it takes!}
"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."
Robert Collier
{this reminds me that its taking it in small steps.. day by day.. and not quitting!}
"The first and most important step toward success is the feeling that we can succeed."
Nelson Boswell
{This reminds me I have to believe I can succed before it will happen!}
You're getting there, girl...I saw the pics!