well I just needed to post so you will know I DID do my workout today. I couldnt get started until 430 but I got it done! .. heres the low down
squats on smith
pelie squats as burnouts
leg extensions
dead lifts and leg curls
smith rows, bent over rows as burnouts
curls seated, standing curl bar curls as burnouts.
I did with burnouts of 3x10 .. i am already sore so I know getting out of bed will be hard in the morning.
I am soo happy with my progress.. I cant believe I am already half way with this challenge.. time just goes by so quickly. I took my pics and measurements .. its funny because i didnt think I had made much progress since day 30.. but I was surprised! I am coming to believe.. measuring tapes dont lie.. pictures dont either.. but my mind sure does sometimes! ..
I did some calculating and heres what I have lost since my C1 day 1:
Hips. down 2.75 inches
chest. down 1.75 inches
thighs down .25 (gained muscle there/got bigger.. now they are getting smaller )
Waist. down 3.75 inches!
I have gone from a tight("i am not buying size 12s") Ten.. to a tight("I cant believe this tag says 4") FOUR! in 18 weeks!
I know the reason I have lost an approx an inch in my thighs is because of HIIT.. it is really doing the job of leaning out my legs.. now if it will just work its magic on my tummy :) I am starting to believe that I just might be able to fit into my going away dress afterall.. (my suit from my wedding going away outfit is size 28 inch waist! .. seems like i am getting closer and closer to that goal.. hum.. to bad the suit screams 80s.. cant wear it anywhere except doing the dishes.. oh well.. its a good goal even though its silly :)