I knew it was coming.. the little "be fit angel" was sitting on my shoulder the whole time I was eating that fast-food and telling me "dont do it.. your body doesnt like it.. its bad for you." .. while the little "be fat angel" said .. "oh . .come on.. it tastes soooo good... you deserve it!.. it's gona be ok.. your body doesnt know the difference!.. just see how good it tastes!"
I knew better. I guess its good in a way. It reminded me of what my life use to be like. Two to three times a week I would wake up either in the middle of the night.. (around 2am) or in the early dawn hours (around 5) with stomach cramps that would have me "meditating" in the bathroom for an hour! (to put it somewhat politely). Not only was it bad for my tummy and all it had to go through.. but it was sleep deprivation at its worst!
So.. what where you doing last night between 4:30-5:30am. I bet you can guess what I was doing.

I woke up this morning at 850.. and feel so drained (pardon the pun).. that I just wanted to lay there until NOON!.. but .. There comes that LIFE part of body for life. So.. I drug myself out of bed.. which was spurred on by the background music of my sweet kids singing "I may never march in the Infantry, ride in the Calvary, shoo the artillery. But Im in the Lords Army".
I have made the kids breakfast and I ate a bit of scrambled eggs and some orange juice. (cant have toast and juice today.. too many carbs!).. but it was just what my poor body needed. I feel better now.. like I will actually have the energy to do my lifting workout today!