The Cold HIIT!

it was sooooo cold this morning here! The kids really wanted to go run outside at the school but I just couldnt bring myself to getting out the door. I mean come on! 44 degrees is just a bit too cold to be outside! I mean .. thats almost snowing weather! :) .. So.. I put on my cold weather running outfit.. (which by the way cut off my circulation last winter when I put it on!).. and headed to the frigid garage. I KNOW it was all of 49 degrees in there!

So.. I overcame my fear of cold and "HIIT" the treadmill.

I walked for 5min
jogged for 5mins
got off and stretched
jogged for 2 mins then did my first HIIT. (my thighs were so sore that I couldnt do speed 10.. so I took it down to 9.3)
walked for 1 min then got off and stretched those thighs again.
jogged for 2 mins and then I did more HIITs.. gradually inching my way back up to 10.
I did 7 HIITs in all.. the last two were 10s

total time: 23.11
total miles: 2

how I felt when I was done:

Focus Scriptures for today:

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1: 9

"each helps the other and says to his brother, "Be strong!" Isaiah 41:6

"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." 1 Peter 5:10

remember.. progress.. not perfection!


Josha said…
You look so lean and fit! And a little dead at the end, but in a thin sort of way!
Mom2t said…
Great job Ruthie!!