Barbara Hall, Northern Exposure, Rosebud, 1993
"Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb."
Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)
Woke up a bit sore this morning but it was a good sore. After being so sore last night i was concerned i wouldn't be able to walk this morning. In todays workout I focused on positive thoughts, and how blessed i am. During my ab workout I concentrated on slow precise movements. I am finding the movement needed to get a good ab workout is alot small and a lot slower than I thought.
Just finished HIIT. heres the workout:
0-5 min- warmup walking/jog
stop and stretch (legs were tight this morning)
10-18 mins- did 7 HIITs .. first two at 9.2/9.5 last 5 at 10
18-20min- cool down walk (with head on the treadmill bar!)
100something incline crunch twists (i got to singing with the ipod and lost count)
30 side twists with curl bar on shoulders plus 10lbs
50 hip ups! (3 sets of 15.. and then 5)
We are going to be traveling later this week and I am starting to plan for not being at home. This is the first trip I will be taking while living the BFL way so I am concentrating on not missing a workout even when I am gone. The place we are staying has a heated indoor pool but I am not sure if it has a weight room (surely)..so I will do cardio in the pool and take a jump rope too! (i will lift the morning that we leave so as to not miss a lifting day)
I am more concerned with eating like I am use too.. so I am planning on taking my blender and making food ahead of time and the ice-chest so i can just heat it up in the microwave. My free-day will be a meal or two on Sat and Sun.

Sometimes I feel like this car looks. I need to go a certain way but all these sheep keep getting in the way. In front, behind, on the side.. they just wont go away. Some sheep are more demanding than others, some are sweet and good. But they all get in the way. Today I decided to list some of my sheep in the road..
1. Being a homeschooling mom. finding a balance.
2. the phone
3. TV
4. dishes
5. Laundry
6. self doubt
7. injury (my feet/shin issue)
8. the cold weather
9. the business of life
10. being impatient.
When I think of all the sheep in the way I cant list them all..so i decided on 10. I would love to see your sheep.. if you have the time! What "sheeps" you from being the person you know you can be, from reaching your goals?
Sheep in my path:
1. procrastination
2. homeschooling aspecial needs child
3. homeschooling typical needs children
4. fear of failing
5. time management
6. planning
7. too many interests
8. self disipline
9. can only seem to concentrate on one thing at a time
10. weariness/overwhelmed feeling
1.) injury
2.) little kids
3.) injury
4.) injury
5.) injury
6.) injury
7...you get the picture. OK, so I REALLY miss being able to post about my workouts and interesting details about how I am changing!
Thanks for keeping me missing it and not just giving up! A few months ago I would be sure this was a sign that I just shouldn't workout at all!