OK.. got my body fat tested this afternoon.
Drum Roll Please!
Well .. I was a bit sad it wasnt lower than that.. I am ONE % point from being in the "Fitness" category instead of the "average" one. I do wish that I had gotten my bf% tested before I started this whole journey. DH thinks I was 38-40% before I started. I have done some calculations on the web that uses your weight and measurements and it said I was 37% in my before picture.
Heres some info from the web:
The suggested level of body fat for a female athlete is 14 to 20 percent;
For that "gotta have body," shoot for a body fat percentage between 21 and 24 percent for women,
But anywhere from 25 to 31 percent for women is considered healthy.
If you're a woman and your body fat is more than 32 percent of your weight, that's a sign of obesity. Individuals in this range should seek the advice of a health care provider to begin a weight loss and exercise program
So.. Now that I know for sure what my BF% is I have set another goal. My next goal will be to get to 21% body fat by Dec 18th.
Heres to setting the new goal of the "Gotta Have Body" :) ..