It is now 1130 and I just finished my leg workout. Heres what I did:
Squats on the smith machine
6x115 (the 125 was a bit hard and was afraid of loosing form.. so i went down a bit)
I then did burnouts
65x10 (did that three times)
next was leg extensions.. My front thigh muscles are sore from running my HIIT yesterday! so I tried to take it easy on these..
I did but no burnouts
then came dead lifts on the smith with a high point of 115. Burnouts on leg curls.
That was it for today. Notice anything missing?
Lunges! I think this is the first time in months I haven't done lunges! Two reasons for this:
1. my thighs are so tired from my sprint running yesterday i think they really need a rest.
2. Absolution.. the book... He only doesn't do lunges.
Please note I am NOT saying I will never do lunges again. But I have been having issues of needing to lunge more weight .. so much that I was worried about doing it incorrectly and hurting myself.. ..
I am really surprised at how my legs are leaning out. I look in the mirror and see definition i havent seen before! Are these REALLY my legs! .. and I wont even start to talk about the posterior! ..Its amazing to think these are my legs! I really think the noticeable changes in them are because of the HIIT (but it probably has to do with just being consistent with the BFL lifestyle.) I didnt realize how much of a leg workout those sprints are! I cant wait to see what I look like come Christmas!
HURRAY for October 18th! MY official 1/3rd of a year mark! As a way to celebrate today the DH and I are going to the performance lab at the university to get our body fat measured :) I will let you know how it goes!
Watch out December 18th(thats the six month mark)! Here I come!
Way to go, Ruthie!