HI and welcome to T minus 7 days and counting ! :)

.........................(if the above isnt a freeday meal. i dont know what is!).................
I ran this morning in the drizzle... lef the house at 652am. It was amazing out there! I was on the running course before the sun came up and the lights were all still on.. I thought I was the only one out this morning.. I kept looking around and behind me to see if there was anyone else out .. finally at about 1.75 mile.. another runner passed me going the opposite direction.. she is someone i have seen before.. a college girl.. and runs like the wind! it was inspiring to think this mom of three was one of 2 out there this morning and that the other person was probably half my age! :) hehe
Great news too.. I ran the whole 2 miles without stopping! felt so great I walked and ran another mile just for fun! (wow.. it feels to great to be getting back in shape.. feel like a 19 year old again :) hehe
I am debating on how to tweak my next challenge.. I want to lower my carb and increase my protien (do more of the buff mother program way of 40P 30C and 30F. I am not sure how they keep track of there stuff so I am going to post a question on the site and see if I can get educated on it :)
I am so motivated by Buffmother that I really want to try and do something on my next challenge I have always wanted to do. to actually see my Abs :), .. I have other goals too but will post those later in the week or maybe on my first day of my second challenge :)
I have a list of the LIttle things that helped get me through this challenge (and still are)
(these are not in any perticular order of importance)
My IPOD.. I make sure and charge the night before so it is ready and waiting for me in the morning.. and I LOVE The armband... the superman hat.. well.. who in the world couldnt use and superman hat to keep you going when you are down? (i wear the hat when I run sometimes)
the fridge pics.. I keep pics on my fridge that motivate me..
I keep this wedding (going away) pic by my bed so I can see it.. it reminds me that I use to be a LOT thinner
My calendar.. ahhh.. LOVE scratching that day off!
My little piggy in my windowsill reminds me to watch my portions and to eat 6 meals a day!
I read exercise books or bfl books before going to sleep at night.. to prepare, motivate myself to get out of the bed in the AM.
We have two blenders.. we just use one base.. but having two pictchers is awesome! esp if you make atleast two shakes a day.. I make and rinse one in the morning and then make my shake with the clean one at night.. then throw both in the dishwasher before bed so they are ready first thing in the AM.
So.. thats a few of my tricks.. I do have a few more but this post is a bit long.. so I will go for now :)
see you tomorrow (T-minus Day 6)

.........................(if the above isnt a freeday meal. i dont know what is!).................
I ran this morning in the drizzle... lef the house at 652am. It was amazing out there! I was on the running course before the sun came up and the lights were all still on.. I thought I was the only one out this morning.. I kept looking around and behind me to see if there was anyone else out .. finally at about 1.75 mile.. another runner passed me going the opposite direction.. she is someone i have seen before.. a college girl.. and runs like the wind! it was inspiring to think this mom of three was one of 2 out there this morning and that the other person was probably half my age! :) hehe
Great news too.. I ran the whole 2 miles without stopping! felt so great I walked and ran another mile just for fun! (wow.. it feels to great to be getting back in shape.. feel like a 19 year old again :) hehe
I am debating on how to tweak my next challenge.. I want to lower my carb and increase my protien (do more of the buff mother program way of 40P 30C and 30F. I am not sure how they keep track of there stuff so I am going to post a question on the site and see if I can get educated on it :)
I am so motivated by Buffmother that I really want to try and do something on my next challenge I have always wanted to do. to actually see my Abs :), .. I have other goals too but will post those later in the week or maybe on my first day of my second challenge :)
I have a list of the LIttle things that helped get me through this challenge (and still are)
(these are not in any perticular order of importance)

So.. thats a few of my tricks.. I do have a few more but this post is a bit long.. so I will go for now :)
see you tomorrow (T-minus Day 6)