I had a good upper body workout this morning.. right now my arms are so tired! I think mostly from military press and biceps.. dunno.. but they are tired. Heres what I did:
14- 15lbs
12- 20lbs
10- 25lbs
08- 30lbs
06- 30lbs (the last two on this were HARD)
burnouts: Flies 16- 20lbs, 8- 15lbs
bentover rows on smith machine
12- 65lbs
10- 70lbs
08- 70lbs
06- 80lbs
Lat Pull downs: 24- 40lbs (with cable on smith machine)
Military Press
12- bar (45lbs)
10- Bar (45lbs.. last two hard!)
08- bar (45lbs.. last two hard!)
06- bar (45lbs .. last two hard!..again!)
Burnouts: seated Flies- 7- 15lbs, 17- 10lbs
Triceps (I had a hard time finding my weight on this one.. but the main thing is I worked to fatigue!)
12- curl bar (15lbs)
13- 20lbs
12- 25lbs
6- 30lbs
Burnouts Laying Extensions: 24- 10lbs
Individual curls with elbow inside thigh
12- 10lbs
10- 15lbs
08- 20lbs (had to help with last two)
06- 20lbs (had to help with last two)
burnouts: Hammer Curls seated.. 24- 10lbs
AND I AM DONE! yipee!
WELL I weighed this morning.. which is something I avoid.. but I have good news.. 135lbs.. I havent weighed that in YEARS.. I am thrilled..
I have contemplated the whole changing the diet thing and changing my workout thing.. I have decided to just keep doing what I have been doing.. its working.. so I guess when I stop making progress then I will change what I am doing.. I am kinda scared to change what I am doing cause I am afraid it will mess me up.. get me off track.. throw me off ballance.. .. so the decision has been made.. I will still try to cut back on carbs.. but I will just go with how I feel.
I had a hard time with my eating yesterday. I was hungry alllll day.. I dont know why.. I only had half a shake after my run so maybe that threw me off.. so this morning I had my whole shake.. I plan to have leftovers (speg meat sauce with bread)for lunch, gona boil some eggs today for snacks, and have hamburgers for supper.. my body seems to have gotten back to normal from my eating frenzie this past weekend.. it took two whole days of clean eating to get back in the normal "routine" of things.. if you know what I mean.. I tell you what eating just any ole thing for two days really really really messes my system up now.. and to think thats the way I use to eat alll day every day.. hum
Ok.. so you wonder what the kids job is while I am working out.. well

1. fix themselves breakfast
2. be happy
3. read books
4. make the house a mess!
5. make the house a mess
6. make the house a mess!!!
(need I go on?)
HEY.. but they leave me alone for the most part.. right?

OK, so ms. Rice Crispy I think you need to check your calories and make sure you are getting enough!
Glad you are sticking with the program. I, too, constantly battle with, man this can't work and as I got up this morning and could barely move, I realized it does!