Day 81 (3tg) quote-aholic?

I think I am becoming a quote-aholic :)
Cecil Beaton:
Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary.

William Arthur:
Flatter me and I may not believe you. Criticize me and I may not like you. Ignore me and I may not forgive you. Encourage me and I may not forget you.


I was on the road at 630 this morning. Its funny I keep getting out there ealier and earlier. I was amazed to see the moon low in the sky this morning. It was a pale yellow color with clouds glowing around it. Absolutely Awesome!
I thought to myself when I saw it.. "Good Grief Ruth, you are becoming a fitness freak!"

The weather was cool and it took a while to warm up.. My legs were really sore from yesterdays "I wont be able to walk tomorrow" workout. :) so I did a lot of stretching..
I ran 2 miles .. was was disappointed cause I just didnt have the energy I usually have.. (I didnt sleep good last night).. but I pushed myself hard at the end.. (I had to cause there were two college age boys who had just finished there jog and just had to pass them :) I thought "I need a shirt that says on the back, "Almost Fourty year old Mother, Wife, Teacher, Cook, Taxi Driver, Cleaning Lady, Painter, Spiritual Advisor, Sister, Daughter,...... RUNNER!"

After the run my Mom who is visiting met me at the track to walk.. that was a nice way to end a run:)

I have only three days left in my BFL challenge.. I am really looking forward to my next twelve week program that will hopefully develop into more changes.. I plan on eating clean today and tomorrow and then take Sat and Sun as free days.. (I will still get my runs in)... Then start again on Monday. I hope to change my diet to the 30/40/30 program like Michelle suggests.. and I hope that will help me get lean.
Cant believe only three days left. !

watch out challenge 2 on I come! :)


Josha said…
Wow! How does it feel to be amazing? Never missing a workout, going from your before pics to where you are now??? Yay! for you!