OK.. so I decided to just add to this post I did yesterday.. I have been thinking about my goals for this week.. here they are:
1. This week I will get up earlier to get my workout done before the kids are up and going.
2. This week I will get the kids and myself to bed earlier (kids: 830 Me 930)
3. This week I will NOT drink any carbonated drinks.. no matter how bad I feel :) and no crispies either!
4. This week I will be more scheduled with our day. (more specifics later.. I have to get this finished to I can meet goal number 2.. I have one minute to finsish!)
5. This week I will complete every workout .. working to fatigue.(
6. I will not answer the phone or check email until my workout it over and school work it complete
7. This week I will drink only water. (Gods drink)
NOW I must get in bed.. joseph woke up at 4am this morning coughing.. so I have been up since 4.. I thought of you both! good night! ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz
OK.. now for yesterdays post:
OH it was soooooo windy this morning.. I mean REALLY windy.. I did leave the house until 840.. I knew it was going to be a lot hotter than a I am use to... and I could see from the window it was a bit breezy.. but I had NO idea it was hurricane force winds out there! .. I left the house telling my hubby I would be a bit longer cause I would go two times around.. I have been contimplating adding a long run on sat but havent had the guts to do it.. until today:)
I made it the first time around fine.. wind and all.. I tried not to push myself to hard but it was difficult for me to find my pace..and once I hit the "downhill" slope.. with the wind in my back.. I felt like I was flying! .. so I kicked but on the last 1/4 mile or so.. then walked and jogged the next two miles.. but when I hit the last 1/4 mile again I had to run again.. that slope and wind in my back.. made me run! .. it was great.. I was EXHAUSTED but it was great.. I cant believe I did 4 miles today!
I love this picture of the girls running the bleachers.. she looks so relaxed .. its so easy for her.. must be like picking flowers to her! ..I get there some day.
ok.. my new favorite book is this one
I read in it last night the difference between a "jogger" (which is someone who just zones out during runs, who never pushes themselves, and stops at the end of a nice relaxing jog).. and a RUNNER.. (who is some whose self talk is .. "ok stay relaxed, you can make it around that corner,, you can get up that hill, relax.. watch your breathing.. almost done.. you can do it..)... I read that and thought.. HEY.. I am a runner!... . There is also a chart for beginner, intermediate and advanced runners.. a chart to help you improve your time/distance.. they have 16 week traing schedules.. my favorite part though is probably the quotes and stories from other women who are runners.. some didnt start running until in their SIXTIES, others .. since they were teens.. just a great book to read the night before your next mornings run! So.. are you a runner?
Today is free day.. I am making homemade pizza tonight and E and her family are coming over (they are visiting from Denton).. I havent made homemade pizza in about 6 months.. so it sounds REALLY good!
I guess I should get going..
1. This week I will get up earlier to get my workout done before the kids are up and going.
2. This week I will get the kids and myself to bed earlier (kids: 830 Me 930)
3. This week I will NOT drink any carbonated drinks.. no matter how bad I feel :) and no crispies either!
4. This week I will be more scheduled with our day. (more specifics later.. I have to get this finished to I can meet goal number 2.. I have one minute to finsish!)
5. This week I will complete every workout .. working to fatigue.(
6. I will not answer the phone or check email until my workout it over and school work it complete
7. This week I will drink only water. (Gods drink)
NOW I must get in bed.. joseph woke up at 4am this morning coughing.. so I have been up since 4.. I thought of you both! good night! ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz
OK.. now for yesterdays post:

I made it the first time around fine.. wind and all.. I tried not to push myself to hard but it was difficult for me to find my pace..and once I hit the "downhill" slope.. with the wind in my back.. I felt like I was flying! .. so I kicked but on the last 1/4 mile or so.. then walked and jogged the next two miles.. but when I hit the last 1/4 mile again I had to run again.. that slope and wind in my back.. made me run! .. it was great.. I was EXHAUSTED but it was great.. I cant believe I did 4 miles today!

ok.. my new favorite book is this one

Today is free day.. I am making homemade pizza tonight and E and her family are coming over (they are visiting from Denton).. I havent made homemade pizza in about 6 months.. so it sounds REALLY good!
I guess I should get going..