Ch2 Day Two- Cardio

Good morning..

REALLY didnt want to get out bed this morning.. but I told myself .. yet again.. I could go run and if I was still tired I could get back in bed.. I was on the road by 645.. I walked to campus, stretched, and the ran the whole 2 miles around. I was happy I ran the whole way without stopping to walk, or rest. After the run I went to the stadium and ran a few bleachers.. but I was pretty tired so I only did a few, stood and thanked God for the beautiful sunrise and headed home.

My legs are pretty sore this morning, esp my hamstrings and glutes.. so I guess I did good on my workout yesterday. I am thinking of splitting my upper body into two workout sessions.. Heres what my split will look like:
Day one: Chest, Back and Abs
Day two: Quads, Hamstrings, abductors
Day three: Shoulders, biceps, triceps
What I read in The Body Sculpting book I would workout these different muscle groups only once a week. I am just a lbit weary of changing my workout cause I am in such a great routine.. so I am not sure what I am gonig to do.

Heres todays meal plan:
After run: Rasberry Shake
Snack: Marathon Bar plus peanuts
Lunch: Chicken Salad (spinach, chicken, dressing, cucumbers, carrots, tomato)
Snack: Eggs with tortillia and sauteed bellpepper and onion
Supper: Speg. with Turkey meat
Before Bed: Shake
I do have a notebook in the kitchen and plan to track my cal, protien, carbs and fat.

ok.. so I am really sleepy so I might take a nap this afteroon :) but I do need to go and paint.. Have to finish that mural! I am really close to being done. (its just getting so busy with the kids school etc)

"Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not; it is the first lesson that ought to be learned; and however early a man's training begins, it is probably the last lesson that he learns thoroughly."-Thomas H. Huxley (1825 - 1895)


Josha said…
That makes two of us who didn't want to get out of bed for a workout this morning. But we both did it! Hurray for us!